Four Traits That Non-Believers Value in Conversations with Christians

Exploring research into spiritual conversations

Paul Walker
Backyard Church


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One of the challenges for those of us who still hold out a sliver of hope that the Christian Church might have value in 2023 is finding ways to hold constructive spiritual conversations.

Loads of people beyond the Christian church have concluded that Christianity is a lost cause, and I can see the reasons why — after all, I often write about those reasons here on Medium.

Engaging in a fruitful spiritual dialogue can be challenging even when the other person is receptive to it because the debate has become so toxic and polarised.

However, according to recent research, some attributes could potentially kindle openness in others. By doing so, there could be a narrow path to having potentially fruitful conversations.

In this article, I want to reflect on this research project from The Barna Group — well-known for its research on religious trends, church attendance, generational shifts in beliefs, worldview assessments, and other matters relevant to faith and culture.

And in doing so, I want to take a more positive line that I am sometimes accused of taking with my more critical articles on Medium. So, stick with me if you’d…



Paul Walker
Backyard Church

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.