How To Receive God’s Blessings

You might not want them after you read this.

Nils von Kalm
Backyard Church
Published in
6 min readFeb 27, 2023


Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Christians love talking about blessing. Many mega-churches are obsessed with it.

When something goes right for us, we say we’ve been blessed. The blessings of God are seen as good favor having been visited upon you, probably for something you’ve done to please God. It’s like a reward.

Where did we get the idea of a performance-based God who gives us good things when we do something good? It certainly isn’t in the Bible.

Many churches in the West subtly propagate a ‘blessing theology.’ It’s not quite the prosperity ‘gospel’, but it’s not far away from it. And it’s mainstream in many of our churches, to the point where we don’t even recognize it.

This idea is proclaimed as a subtle form of “trusting” God. It is believing that if we live right, things will go right — that if we tithe a certain amount, we will receive a financial blessing. The flip side of course is that if life is going badly for me, then I must be doing something wrong; I must have sinned in some way.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Sh*t happens



Nils von Kalm
Backyard Church

I am a writer from Melbourne, Australia with a passion for showing how I believe Christian faith is relevant to life. Connect at