How to Write for Backyard Church

Guidelines to Become a Writer

Dan Foster
Backyard Church
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2021


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Welcome to The Backyard Church

My name is Dan Foster, and I am a recovering evangelical trying to work what it means to be a Christian now that I’ve walked away from the Church. Yep! I’m deconstructing my faith! I’m breaking it all down into tiny pieces and testing each part of the faith I grew up with for its usefulness and truthfulness. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to put it all back together again!

If you’ve got doubts about organized religion or the things you’ve learned about in Church, then this publication is for you. We write articles that take a light-hearted dig at the institution while asking the bigger questions about God, life, and the universe.

We push the boundaries and challenge people to think beyond their “belief box” and explore the possibility that God is much more expansive and all-embracing than what is typically taught in conservative evangelical circles.

Consequently, if you write for us, certain people will call you a heretic, a radical leftist, a heathen, and a devil-worshiper. Others will say you are destined for the bowels of Hell itself and urge you to repent. Don’t worry, though. They said the same things about Jesus.



Dan Foster
Backyard Church

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: