I Was Ordained Exactly Forty Years Ago

I must have been a child ordinand, eh? Not really…😛

Paul Walker
Backyard Church


Bradford Cathedral. Was it really 40 years ago?

Isn’t it curious how the smallest things can ignite a flood of memories?

Just the other day, I stumbled upon a Facebook post from a former minister from our current church, celebrating his 25th ordination anniversary. This prompted me to realize something significant that could have easily slipped my mind — that this past Sunday marked the 40th anniversary of my own ordination.

On Sunday, June 30th, 1984, a fresh-faced lad from Bradford, not a single grey hair to be seen, knelt before the then Bishop of Bradford and was ordained as a minister in the Church of England.

If I had a photo, I would post it — but it was in the days before everyone snapped these things on their phones…

I distinctly remember waking up that morning at the end of a four-day retreat in the serene Yorkshire Dales at the Diocesan Retreat House, pondering the monumental step I would take. It was a silent retreat, a time of deep reflection and isolation, devoid of any contact with the outside world, let alone the Internet, which didn’t exist back then.



Paul Walker
Backyard Church

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.