Jeff Hilles: Is He Right About Deconstructionism?

I sure hope not!

Adam Eyves
Backyard Church
Published in
12 min readNov 28, 2022


License: CC0 Public Domain — Meme by Author

I like Jeff Hilles and follow him on Medium, but occasionally he has this way of stepping into the Medium blogosphere like someone stepping into a pile of dog poop and tracking it all through the house. I don’t believe he means to do it — he just does it, and with yucky consequences.

A few months ago, he wrote an article on faith deconstructionism that pushed me over the edge. You can read it here. I am linking to this article because it’s a must-read for every Christian to know how NOT to think about deconstructionism.

First off, whoever coined the term deconstructionism should have their “writer’s license” yanked. What a misleading way to define it. It implies a hostile connotation at first glance, but in truth, this critical thinking process is the opposite — authentic faith realignment and faith building. You will know where you stand with God after going through it.

Deconstructionism is not something we should fear, although it can be a terrifying experience when it arrives unannounced. Believe me; most Christians don’t go looking for it. Challenging God on points of truth and against our biased upbringing is spiritually disorienting. But it’s also not a bad thing unless you are shaking your fist at…



Adam Eyves
Backyard Church

Writer, editor, storyteller, sailor, and coffee drinker. I think, I question, I imagine. I am a philosopher at heart, and a connoisseur of all good things.