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Left Behind? Why the Rapture Might Be More Fiction Than Fact
What the Bible Really Says About the End Times
When I was a kid, I lived in fear of disappearing.
Or not disappearing, actually — being the one left behind while everyone else floated off to heaven.
So, you can imagine the flashbacks I had when I stumbled across Kimberley Payne’s An Open Letter to My Family & Friends Who Are Not Born-Again Christians. It’s essentially a survival guide for what to do after the Rapture, complete with tips to stock up on canned goods, batteries, and water — because when God takes His people home, apparently, He’s also taking aisle 3 at Walmart.
I wish I could say I read it with detached amusement. Instead, it sent me spiraling back to those childhood fears when every quiet house felt like evidence that the Rapture had happened and I’d been left behind. Kimberley’s vivid descriptions of rivers turning to blood and worldwide chaos? I knew them all by heart before I could even ride a bike.
What Is the Rapture, Anyway?
For those blissfully unaware, the Rapture is a belief held by some Christians that, at some unknown moment, Jesus will suddenly snatch away all true believers to heaven. Cars will careen off roads, planes will fall from the…