How to Thrive Spiritually Outside the Church

Living on the fringe

Elias Kruger
Backyard Church


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Recently, I shared how the RZIM scandal led me to confront the spiritual abuse in my past. I have been overwhelmed by the encouragement I received from readers. However, in one of the comments I received, a friend expressed his desire that I would one day find a church ‘home’ again.

His comment made me pause. Should “finding a church” be the goal? Even as recent as two years ago, my answer would have been a resounding “yes.” After all, spiritual life is not a solo sport — it must be done in community. For all its idiosyncrasies, and there are many, the local church is well suited to bring people together. Gathering with others regularly can be a catalyst for building community.

It is just not the only way.

I contend that it is not only possible but in some cases preferable to thrive spiritually outside of church life. That is, you can deepen your Christian faith without active membership in a local congregation.

“It is not about a religion but a relationship”

Growing up evangelical, we loved to repeat this jargon “It is not about religion but relationship.” This is a funny statement in that while intending to do something turned out to reveal something else. Let me explain…



Elias Kruger
Backyard Church

Blessed star dust, husband, father, data scientist, amateur composter and writer. Asking questions, looking at data and searching for truth.