Near Death Experiences

The Awakening Spiritual Reawakening

Cynthia A. Morgan
Backyard Church


Art by MorganCMorgan

Near Death Experiences (NDEs) have fascinated humanity for centuries. These profound occurrences, where individuals come close to death but manage to survive, often lead to dramatic shifts in consciousness and their understanding of existence. Beyond the initial awe, NDEs can trigger significant spiritual awakenings, transforming how individuals perceive life, death, and their place in the universe. This article delves into the nature of NDEs, the common elements found in these experiences, and how they catalyze spiritual awakening.

What Are Near Death Experiences?

Defining NDEs

Near-death experiences are out-of-body episodes in which individuals report a series of phenomena that take place after they are pronounced clinically dead. These experiences typically include sensations such as floating outside the body, moving through a tunnel, encountering bright light, and meeting deceased loved ones or spiritual entities. Despite the lack of a unified scientific explanation, the documented reports of experiences across various cultures and belief systems number in the hundreds of thousands, suggesting a common underlying phenomenon.

Common Elements of NDEs



Cynthia A. Morgan
Backyard Church

I’m an award-winning author & Inspiration coach. My writing focuses on positivity, encourages harmony, and promotes belief in the Power of One. Be the Change!