The Gay Agenda

An offense worthy of execution?

Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church
4 min readJul 3, 2023


Disclosure: I deeply love Jesus and my gay husband. I also have a progressive perspective regarding the Gay Agenda.

The Conservative/Traditional Perspective

Because the Bible is infallible and the only trustworthy source of Truth, all of its commands are valuable.

Because all Bible commands are valuable, it is important for Jesus’ Followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19a).” They are on a mission; people’s eternal life hangs in the balance.

Because the work of a missionary is so vital, s/he brings “Good News” about Jesus and the opportunity to be in His Kingdom forever.

Because the Good News is unbelievably gracious, missionaries encourage their converts to repent of their sins — especially their sexual sins.

Because sexual purity seems to be such an important work, the most heinous sexual sin is determined to be “homosexuality.” This particular sexual sin is an abomination, barring people from the Kingdom of Heaven, and is a sin against nature itself. The crime of “sodomy” was so offensive that God wiped out all Sodomites.

Because sodomy involved men having anal intercourse and inflamed homoerotic desires with other men, God gave the homosexuals over to their own perversions — and inevitable consequences.

Because homosexuals cannot refrain from sodomy and perversions, Christian men must impose national laws against homosexuals. Such laws are not only against anal intercourse between two homosexual men but also against anyone who acknowledges being homosexual.

Because the term “gay” is the cultural synonym for the word “homosexual,” gay men are viewed as degenerates who cannot control their homoerotic appetites.

Because gays need other gays in which to engage in promiscuity, gays seek younger males to groom as sex partners.

Because gays are recruiting young males, pedophilia is rampant within the gay community.

Because of grooming youth and engaging in pedophilia, the “Gay Agenda” is to take unsuspecting youths and multiply the number of gays.

Because of the Gay Agenda, innocent youths are unsafe.

Because youths are unsafe, gays need to be quarantined from God-fearing families. Uganda accordingly imposed a national law in 2023 that will criminalize same-sex conduct.

Because Ugandan people are trained by conservative Evangelicals who believe in the infallibility of the Bible, God’s command in Leviticus 20:13 must be obeyed: “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

Because God commands that gays must be killed, Uganda has a law that serial infractions of homoerotic activity are punishable by death.

Because punishment by death is the final, harshest penalty for gays, gays are encouraged to change their sexual orientation. Conversion therapy involves an understanding that gay attraction is caused by poor bonding between a father and a gay son. Methods to eliminate homosexual attraction include repressing homoerotic and homoromantic feelings, confessing all such feelings and behaviors, faithful prayer, becoming more masculine, overcoming sexual addiction, and expelling demonic gay spirits.

Because it is possible to change one’s sexual orientation, if a gay male does not do so, then he is not truly a Christian. In Uganda, anyone who is gay is rebelling against God and is a lawbreaker — and the appropriate punishment for such willful disobedience is imprisonment or execution.

The Liberal/Progressive Perspective

The Progressive perspective refutes virtually every position taken by the Traditional perspective.

Furthermore, because the Bible speaks of the perfect loving nature of God, Progressives trust that God loves each individual — providing all with dignity and justice.

Because God expects all people to be provided with loving dignity and justice, there is no difference in value between a heterosexual and a homosexual.

Because all men are created equal, gays must have the same employment opportunities as straights. Jesus’s Church must likewise provide equal opportunities to straights and gays alike.

Because all gays deserve equal opportunities, all people must stand for social justice.

Because all people must stand for social justice, the “Gay Agenda” is to correct all forms of social injustice.

Because of the Gay Agenda, all global citizens must rise up and protect oppressed gays in the world (whether in America, Uganda, or anywhere).

The Conflict of Perspectives

In today’s America, a huge culture war is being played out concerning the varying perspectives of the Gay Agenda. Both Traditionalists and Progressives view themselves as warriors fighting for the soul of America.

American politicians have used this culture war in an attempt to capture more votes.

Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has imposed a “don’t say gay” mandate throughout Florida’s K-12 schools. Additionally, DeSantis considers attempts to provide gay education as “woke” indoctrination. Within the last year, there have been hundreds of state initiatives to block the rights of LGBTQ individuals.

Concurrently, President Biden has said that all gays deserve to be heard, understood, and treated with equality. The gay pride flag was flown over the Capital building.

So, the next time you see a gay parade, expect to see Traditionalist protesters who hold signs saying something to the effect of “Keep our children safe” and “Gays cannot recruit my child.”

Similarly, the next time you see a DeSantis rally, expect to see Progressives proudly waving gay flags.

In conclusion, America is clearly divided by the differing perspectives on the Gay Agenda.

God bless us, everyone.

Dr. Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his;) is the creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. A short synopsis of Dr. Rosebush’s life can be found at I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever. He may be contacted at



Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager