The Real War on Christmas
The False Tidings of Peace on Earth
It’s that time of year again. Christmas is on the near horizon. Stores are filled with Christmas decorations. Fake Christmas trees illuminate entire sections of department stores. Halloween candy is 75% off, and the freezer bins are filled with Thanksgiving turkeys. The frost on my morning windshield tells me Autumn is quickly slipping away and Winter is awaiting its grand entrance.
This is the time of year when conservatives begin to lament “the war on Christmas,” too. Each year at this time, for as far back as I can remember, Christian conservatives complain about how they are discriminated against because of their religious views and how the “radical, socialist, far-left” Democrats are infringing on their right to celebrate their most sacred holiday.
They present their case by bemoaning how saying “Merry Christmas” has been practically outlawed in favor of saying “Happy Holidays.” They complain that Nativity scenes cannot be displayed on public property and that liberals are forcing them more and more to feel shame when they exercise their religious freedom.
They complain there are no Christmas displays in public schools and that holidays of other religions are elevated and promoted to be on par with those of Christianity. They claim that “God” has been kicked…