The Top Ten Questions People Would Ask Me When I Was a Pastor

And what it reveals about being human

Dan Foster
Backyard Church
Published in
8 min readJun 21, 2024


Image by SIphotography on iStock

The hardest thing about being a pastor is that many people believe you have all the answers to life’s big questions. Just because you are a “professional Christian,” it is assumed that you never have any doubts of your own and that certainty always goes before you like an unwavering light.

However, the reality is that pastors, like everyone else, grapple with uncertainties and moments of doubt. They carry the weight of expectations while navigating their own spiritual journey, often in silence.

After all, who does a pastor go to for their answers?


What I found is that the questions that I would ask myself as a pastor were not dissimilar to the questions others would ask me. In fact, there were certain questions that I was asked over and over again during my time in the ministry. These questions weren’t just theological curiosities; they were deeply personal inquiries that revealed the inner struggles and spiritual longing of pretty much all of us.

So, here are the ten questions I was asked most often when I was a pastor and what I believe they reveal about being human.

1. Why do bad things happen to good…



Dan Foster
Backyard Church

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: