To All My MAGA Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins Who Love Jesus
I’m worried about your faith
Dear family,
Allow me a bit of nostalgia — a bit of “Oh, those were the good ol’ days.”
When our family came back from overseas every four years to raise funds for our mission work, you welcomed us into your homes. I loved visiting you, even though sometimes the American culture was overwhelming and confusing. You loved showing off American culture to us and would often poke fun at our ignorance. We would laugh along but feel a little hurt because you had no clue and little interest in what our lives had been like.
Maybe that was the first clue. You already only cared about America.
What I remember most, though, was your passion for those less fortunate in your midst, your (at times) vicarious living through our missionary lives as we reached the “lost” in those faraway countries. It mattered to you that when we went to church with you, we showed up presentable — American style — because you believed it was proper for worship.
You reached out to the less fortunate in your neighborhood and schools, were generous with your money, and seemed to genuinely care for other people. Personally, I was always astounded at the wealth around me that you took for granted. But hey, you…