Who We Are Is Deeper Than Our Sin

Redefining sin, Hell, and God’s wrath

Judy Hansen
Backyard Church


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

According to most Christians I know, God is obsessed with sin. They believe he’s so fixated on it that God can’t stand to look at us, our sin being that disgusting. It’s the defining factor in our eternal destination.

Sin is so vile someone had to pay. Someone had to die. And God, the ultimate Mafia God declares, “You broke them rules, Johnny, now you gonna pay. I’ll break your knees or hurt your momma. Your choice.”

But, good news! God loved us so much that he sent his only son to die in our place to pay that awful price. Now, of course, we owe him our lives, our gratitude, our service, and our utter devotion. But we better watch out cause God still might exact something from us.

Christians still behave as if God is indeed that Mafia God, watching their every move in case they mess up. Perhaps Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t enough after all. Suffering is a sure sign that Mafia God isn’t so sure either.

With the idea that we are all hopeless sinners firmly set in our minds, it permits us to judge others — because, well… Mafia God does too. We also must make sure we “earn” God’s favor by being as close to perfection as possible.



Judy Hansen
Backyard Church

Writer, blogger, book author. I push the boundaries of what faith means.