Why Christianity as a REALITY, Not a Religion, Could Transform Civilization.

The “religion” has often separated and divided us; the “REALITY” might be the transforming shift the world needs.

David W Litwin
Backyard Church
Published in
11 min readAug 27, 2023


Image created in Midjourney by the Author

Christianity, as a religion, has been attributed to some of the most acrimonious historical events in human history. From the crusades, to the dark ages, to the pedophilia associated with priests and pastors across the globe. As much as the faithful, of which I am one, wish to dismiss this and to shove it under the proverbial rug, that carpet is covered in considerable stains on history… and on our modern society.

It has also led to an amazing level of divisiveness, as leaders and laypeople alike have attacked others that don’t subscribe to the words of their Book; believe in the beliefs of other religion’s books; or just do things that they abhor, or secretly wish to engage in. I’m not naive, nor dismissive. Many a verse has been lorded over others to segment, separate, and even destroy others. That’s what religions often do.

Therefore, if you were to tell me that Christianity is abhorrent, in many cases, such as those mentioned above, I will agree with you. Of course, there are great things that have come from it, from hospitals, to universities — on the temporal front, to the…

