Why Jesus Doesn’t Change Lives in the Way that Christians Claim

But these five things will

Dan Foster
Backyard Church
Published in
8 min readAug 23, 2023


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If I had a dollar for every time someone in the church said to me, “Jesus will change your life,” I’d have enough money to publish a book explaining how Jesus won’t change your life.

At least not in the way that Evangelical Christians say.

Growing up in the church, I was taught that spiritual maturity and personal growth were achieved by simply spending time in the pew. The longer you sat there and the more sermons you listened to, the more you magically transformed into the likeness of Christ. Throw in some daily Bible study and regular prayer, and hey, presto! You became a new creation! It was inevitable.

Yeah… right.

The thing is, some of the most bitter, angry, and mean-spirited people I know have also spent the most time in the pew. Some of them make vitriolic comments on my blog posts. Heck, some of them have spent time in the pulpit. On the other hand, some of the most joyful, kind, and humble people have never set foot in a church — and they probably never well. Spiritual maturity and personal growth are not dependent on your knowledge of a historical figure who lived some two thousand years ago.

Go figure.



Dan Foster
Backyard Church

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/DanFosterWriter