Women Pastors are Influenced by Demons

Male pastor defends his turf from the evils of female teaching

Dan Foster
Backyard Church
Published in
7 min readNov 9, 2021


Image by CREATISTA on Shutterstock

Do you happen to be a woman who has aspirations to be a pastor? Shame on you! Don’t you know that God only calls men to be pastors?

In fact, a woman who believes that the Holy Spirit has moved her to become a pastor is self-deceived. No! Worse than that — she is demon-possessed!

Yes, this is the ‘truth’ in the world of conservative evangelical pastor Gabriel Hughes. He is so convinced that there is no way that God could use a woman to preach to anyone that he took to Twitter this week to vent his spleen. Here is what Pastor Gabe had to say about woman pastors:

Now I’ll admit that I trawl through Twitter looking for blog post ideas, but every now and again, I find a Tweet that leaves me breathless with indignation. This is one of those Tweets.

As the father of two beautiful daughters, there is no way I would venture within a hundred miles of Pastor Gabe’s church — or any church where the popular belief is that women should stick to the jobs that God has apparently ordained for women, like arranging the flowers for the church sanctuary, buttering scones for morning tea, and caring for the children in the nursery.



Dan Foster
Backyard Church

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/DanFosterWriter