Women Submitting To Men

The Ultimate Head Trip for Men

Judy Hansen
Backyard Church


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I’ve been a Bible nerd since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Maybe that’s unusual to hear coming from a female, for that’s the purview of men, right?

At least, it was and still is in my faith tradition.

Growing up a missionary/pastor’s kid on three different continents — South America, North America, and Europe — meant that my Biblical worldview was formed to include various cultural and racial points of view. When I went to seminary and studied psychology and counseling from a Biblical perspective, it opened a whole other worldview to me about redemption, mental health, sin, women’s issues, and more.

The problem for me, of course, is that often, I know more about the Bible, culture, and life than many men I encounter in the church. In my faith tradition, men are in charge, and they should know more than me about such things. Awkward. Maddening.

I’m all about studying verses that affect women in ways guys might miss, or checking out passages usually seen through only a male lens and, often, I have a different take on it.

A very male-centered approach — which isn’t bad or wrong, by the way, I do the same — is to approach the Bible like a math problem: break it down, see if it adds up, divide it into sections, and then put…



Judy Hansen
Backyard Church

Writer, blogger, book author. I push the boundaries of what faith means.