Women, You Are Stronger Than You Know

Don’t let religion tell you otherwise

Judy Hansen
Backyard Church


Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Maybe Karl Marx had it right: religion is the opiate of the masses.

Religion, with its promise of a better life after death, tends to dull the senses to the problems of the here and now. And if problems get out of hand, it is proof positive that any day now, a savior will come and rescue them from having to deal with reality.

So when I read the current news, it’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that many charlatans, those wolves in sheep's clothing, are using Christianity as an opiate, drugging people with soundbites conveniently plucked from the Bible. In doing so, they can be authoritative without actually having to prove a thing.

Those wackadoodle right-wingers are co-opting Christianity. To grab the Christian vote or fill their pews, they sprinkle a half-verse here and there, yank them out of context, and make a mockery of the Bible. In the process, they pimp out Christianity, selling it to the highest bidder.

Sadly, many Christians have little knowledge of its core teachings and are easily fooled or hoodwinked by so-called authorities. For far too long, the elite few have held sway over truth and failed to teach their flock how to think critically. They are simply told that great faith means they don’t…



Judy Hansen
Backyard Church

Writer, blogger, book author. I push the boundaries of what faith means.