Your Names are Written in Heaven

All of us are Children of God

Jon Canas
Backyard Church
5 min read4 days ago


Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash

Acceptance of duality characterizes humanity. This acceptance excludes humankind from the divine state of Oneness that defines God’s Realm. Duality creates and maintains a false sense of separation between humans and God.

The sense of separation is self-created by the human mind. Thankfully, it changes nothing of God’s unconditional and everlasting love for Its creation.

God is One

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892–1964) was an American mystic, author, spiritual healer, and teacher. His first book, The Infinite Way, became the name of his overall message.

In his August 1957 Letter, Joel Goldsmith wrote:

“God is one — one power, one presence, one law, one cause — and yet most religions acknowledge two powers, the power of good and the power of evil.”

So long as we entertain the duality of good/evil, healthy/sick, rich/poor, and all other pairs of opposites, we are in a false state of separation from the Divine and not receptive to the “gifts of God.” Before they became aware of duality, Adam and Eve allegorically experienced these gifts in Paradise.

Before the allegorical episode of the serpent and the apple, Adam and Eve were fully provided for and living in a state of Oneness, ignorant of good and evil and of all the other pairs of opposites.

This idyllic state of bliss collapsed the moment they succumbed to the temptation “to know good and evil.”


Once duality — with its infinite pairs of opposites — entered human consciousness, the blissful state of Oneness and its gifts disappeared. Suddenly, men and women were no longer provided for and protected. Now, no longer living in Paradise but in “this world,” as referred to by Jesus, they had to fend for themselves, experiencing hardship, famine, sickness, and death.

Tragically, all three monotheist religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — that share a common origin with Abraham and numerous common Scriptures generally missed the esoteric meaning of these Scriptures.

In particular, the three religions missed the cause of what has been called the “Adamic dream” or “Fall of man” — namely, the human abandonment of the spiritual state of Oneness in favor of the material and mental state of duality.

To various degrees, all three religions, and Christianity in particular, have focused their message on the fight of good over evil without understanding its consequences.

These three religions do not understand that fighting evil is fighting a false idea that exists only in collective and individual minds and is not God’s reality. It also creates the implication that God is not omnipotent.

The religious focus on duality has maintained humanity in a self-imposed state of separation from God.

Your names are written in heaven

Rebuking his disciples who were gloating about successfully performing spiritual healings, Jesus said, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10: 20 NIV).

What was meant by this multi-part message?

1. The disciples should not believe they were victorious in overcoming any condition to be healed. What they perceived as a condition in need of healing was only an appearance — a picture in the human mind and not a creation of God.

2. God is Omnipotent. All that is Real is created by God, and none of it could be less than perfect. Consequently, what is not of God is an appearance that has no power of its own.

3. In the disciples’ recognition of God’s perfect Creation, the appearance that is not of God loses whatever power they had given to it, and the appearance disappears.

4. Therefore, Jesus was saying that they should not rejoice thinking they had any personal power but rather rejoice that the perfection of God’s Creation is Omnipresent. And that we are already part of God’s perfect Creation since our names are written in Heaven.

So, what does this mean to us now?

The sacred name of each one of us is written in Heaven. God knows our name.

Luke’s verse is a potent and constant reminder of our true spiritual identity and that “this world” and all its iniquity exist not in God’s Reality but only in our individual and collective human mind.

What is of God is perfect, unchangeable, and eternal. What is in the human mind is temporal and can change.

The path to our salvation lies in our potential to embrace two aspects of spiritual truth:

1. We are Children of God, part of God’s perfect creation, and our names are written in Heaven.

2. All is united as One in God’s Reality where there is no duality. Good vs. evil does not exist in Reality. All pairs of opposites are fabrications of the human mind. They have only the power given by the mind and none from God.

Our true spiritual identity

In a recent article, A New Perspective on One of the Most Misunderstood Sayings of Jesus, I present my belief that “I” is the universal name of each and all of us. The difference between the psychological “I” and the mystical “I” is that the former is temporal, whereas the latter is eternal.

When Jesus said that our names are written in Heaven, he did not mean our earthly, temporal names, e.g., Peter, Paul, or Mary. Jesus referred to our eternal, universal spiritual name, “I.” This mystical “I” is divine Spirit — what the Bible calls the “One and Only Son of God,” which can only be Spirit, like God Itself.

The Offspring of God is the eternal Spirit, who is of the same essence and nature as the Father and, therefore, One with the Father.

Thus, we can see the possibility that when he said, “I and my Father are one,” Jesus meant each and every one of us — contrary to mainstream Christian dogma. And when, in Matthew 23:9, he said, “Call no man on earth your father, for one is your Father, which is in Heaven,” Jesus made a clear and all-inclusive comment extending divine sonship to all of us, both men and women.

Our name is written in Heaven as the mystical “I” that is pure Spirit — One with God. That is true forever and for everyone.

You can see how such a fundamental theological understanding would, and still could, totally re-orient the practice of Christianity.



Jon Canas
Backyard Church

A lifelong devote of the spiritual path and the messages of Jesus and other masters, Jon casts light on Christianity.