A Food Memory: Wish I Had A Watermelon

Jennifer Burke Grehan
Bacon and Beach Days


May 2nd May Writing Challenge

Photo by Olga Finn on Unsplash

My father was a hustler. My father had to be a hustler. He had been married four times and we were his last family. We have three siblings from a marriage before us and his life goal was to make the five of us operate as one. So, he worked hard.

He worked hard at a day job so he could put food on the table, pay the bills, and pay child support. He worked overtime whenever possible. On off hours and weekends, he lined up cars in the drive way for friends and acquaintances who needed repairs. He did this so we could have big Christmases and vacations and the shoes that we wanted and not always just what we needed. And, he never complained.

He was a jovial guy. He laughed and joked and kept his good side out. He rolled with the punches and there were punches. But, he kept going and he achieved his goal. We live, for the most part, as one group of siblings bonded by this amazing man who showed us how to work and live. He taught us the importance of family, laughter, and hard work. We all carry that close to our hearts.

Now, I told you he was a hustler, right? He was not above a good money making scheme when it was presented to him. So, who was he to turn away an opportunity when it landed in his lap? An, example of this is the watermelons.



Jennifer Burke Grehan
Bacon and Beach Days

As a professional who teaches writing, I find that my writing often lands in the margins of others’ papers. I need a place for my thoughts to land.