Difficult — Smifficult

What happens when a Medium Challenge turns into a true-life quandary

Trisha Faye
Bacon and Beach Days
3 min readSep 20, 2022


Isn’t it funny how our minds — or is it my mind — can take off on related tangents because we’re too busy not listening to people?

Although this tale has to do with reading words, not listening to a human speak. But the end result was the same.

As I went about the day doing all the tasks I needed to do — work for a little bit, stop at the mechanics to schedule the car for the repair, run home and get my better half to a doctor’s appointment — my mind still flitted with a story idea for BACON AND BEACH DAYS CHALLENGE.

I was already off and running, planning out what I wanted to write about history — the subject I despised most in school, which has in an unexpected turn of events, morphed into something that I spend countless hours researching now that I’m adult and ‘in charge of my own life’.

And then it dawned on me….

The prompt for todays challenge was: Most difficult subject.

History was not that. It wasn’t difficult at all. I generally got all A’s and B’s in it. Without much effort. No, I can’t truthfully say that history was a difficult subject. Now, I did just say that I despised it. Which I did. But disliking a subject is not the same…



Trisha Faye
Bacon and Beach Days

Writes about life, looking for the good & remaining positive — with a dose of kitty love sprinkled in. My publications —WRITER’S ZEN & GOOD VIBES CLUB