How to Save Money as a Freelancer Without a Steady Paycheck

Earning money as a freelancer can be a rollercoaster ride — but you need to be saving money.

Carter Kilmann
Bacon Bits
Published in
8 min readMar 17, 2020


I’ve never gotten over Benjamin Franklin’s constant look of disapproval — Photo by Albert Renn on Unsplash

When I first started freelancing, all I wanted was to have my work published. I didn’t care if my content earned money. I just wanted my writing to be accepted and enjoyed.

When I landed my first guest post, I was elated.

After that, I wanted to prove I could make money writing. I’m not talking about stable income. I mean any amount of money.

When I landed my first paid post, I was through the roof. I was paid $100 for an 871-word post on mindful spending. It wasn’t the $100 though — I mean, I’m not going to complain about an extra Benjamin in my bank account — but that was minuscule relative to the self-satisfaction that came from being paid for my words, my voice, and my ideas.

It validated freelancing as a source of income — and a potential career.

The next step was making consistent money. Not necessarily a lot, but some amount of stable work and income.

When I landed my first client, I popped champagne.

I’m not even kidding.



Carter Kilmann
Bacon Bits

Corporate banking drone turned freelance writer & editor. I write about personal finance, entrepreneurship, psychology, writing, and spontaneous allegories.