Arguing about Batman with a 4-year-old

Wendy Eileen
Bacon Eggs & Geek
2 min readMar 29, 2016


I was pushing my friends’ 4-year-old son Christien on a swing yesterday …

Him: Faster, Auntie Wendy, faster! Like a super hero!

Me: [pushing harder] Who’s your favourite super hero?

Him: Batman!

Me: Right on, Batman is awesome.

[A couple of minutes spent discussing Batman’s awesome vehicles and fighting prowess]

Me: What about Robin, do you like Robin?

Him: Who’s Robin?

Me: What do you mean ‘Who’s Robin?’ He’s Batman’s sidekick, you know “Batman & Robin.”

Him: Oh. Him.

Me: They hang out together, they fight crime together and they live together.

Him: Why?

Me: Hmm. Well, because they’re friends.

Him: But Robin doesn’t have any super powers.

Me: Neither does Batman.

Him: Yes he does!

Me: No he doesn’t. He’s very smart and very rich so he’s got lots of gadgets and stuff that help him defeat the bad guys.

Him: But he can fly!

Me: No he can’t. He’s got a grappling hook, a Batcopter and a gliding cape but *he* can’t fly.

Him: But he has super strong! [thrusts fists through the air while swinging] Pow! Pow! Pow!

Me: No, he’s strong but it’s not super-strength. He’s got some really good armor and weapons, and a lot of fight training.

Him: He’s more brave.

Me: True, Batman is brave. You see, he feels he has nothing left to lose and a man who feels he has nothing to lose has very little fear.


Me: Okay, okay, he has super powers! [under breath] He has the super power of independent wealth.

Him: What did you say?

Me: Oh nothing, [pushes harder] look — you’re flying just like Batman!

