At Scale! Do it at Scaaaaaale!!! (inhales) SCAAAAAALE!!

Betsy Streeter
Bad Art
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2019

I’m hearing that subject line in the voice of [that guy who used to be on TV but then he got busted for harrassment imagine that] yelling, “Eff it, we’ll do it live! WE’LL DO IT LIIIIIVE!!!”


Are you familiar with the term, “At Scale?” It means, figure out a thing, and then do that thing a whole lot of times, such that it becomes a repilicable success on its own. Like, Amazon figured out how to do online ordering at scale. Remember how they started out with books? That was quaint. Then they took over the galaxy.

I don’t know where I’m going with this. Oh! Scale. So, what if we could do human rights at scale? Or inclusiveness? Or… am I talking about education? I suppose I am.

You know who would understand scale? Leonardo. Am I right? Let’s ask him.

Hey Leonardo, I bet some of the stuff you came up with would sell like hotcakes on Amazon. Like this one:

Hotcakes, I tell you! Especially these days! SUPER topical.

What? Don’t look at me like that. I’m trying to help you here.

You know what else works at scale? Organized religion. For sure, right? I mean, talk about replicable success. Or something.

These folks really crossed over. Didn’t they?

YEAH, they did.

And who can forget that ultimate product, the human? Making more of those. THAT’s what we’re good at. Too good, in fact. Leonardo you would not beLIEVE how many of us there are now. This thing really works.

But the mother of them all, you’ve gotta know, the one person who has generated more merchandise than just about anybody else in the oil-on-canvas space, that’s gotta be:

She’s Madonna. She’s a Kardashian. She prints money, man. Wish you could see it. You’d be more excited than the estates of Elvis, Marilyn, and Prince combined. (Aw I’m still sad about Prince. Moment of silence.)

So let’s hear it for scale. It’s the holy grail of the business world. It’s the Big Question in every give-us-venture-capital presentation. It’s… well, it’s one way of looking at things.

Then, there’s just you being you, just you, in only the way you can, here in the universe, riding around on a big ball, emergent from and someday to be reabsorbed by said universe.

Wow, that got suddenly deep.

Have a nice day!

(All images courtesy of various books and prints in my house.)

May you be the one and only world-dominating force that you can be, may something come to you in a delivery box that you actually want, won’t you be my neighbor?

— Betsy

I’ll leave you with this because it’s my opinion that Prince was indeed one of the very tippy top greatest guitar players of all time. It’s his performance of Creep at Coachella. Go. Listen. It’s kind of like religion, too.

Betsy Streeter is the host and curator of BAD ART. She draws cartoons also.



Betsy Streeter
Bad Art

Artist, Cartoonist, Cal Shakes board member. Make your own darn art.