Hello! Is this thing on?

Amelia Elvira Aston
Bad At Adult
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018

Starting a new project is always the scariest part. I’ve definitely found that to be the case lately. Between quitting my job without a new one lined up and getting engaged with my boyfriend and cat co-parent, once I’ve put the wheels in motion, made that Facebook status and see the well-wishes or WTFs start coming in, I’ve found a certain sense of calm knowing I’m at the start of something new. I’m hoping this will also be the case with this blog, which I’ve been planning on starting for months now.

The last time I had a proper blog, it was named after a Smiths song and consisted of about five posts of my wanky poetry and film photography. I didn’t really know what I was doing nor did I know Morrissey would turn into that racist uncle you have to unfollow on Facebook. I’ll try to do better this time.

So why start again? Well, first of all, as I am technically unemployed right now apart from the few freelance writing jobs I’ve been lucky enough to get, I could use something to do other than having staring contests with my cat (he always loses). Furthermore, I often find myself comparing my life to others and wished I would do more. And while life is not a race, and there are no set goals to it, I would like to feel more comfortable with making decisions about my adult life, both big and small.

That’s why I want to keep a diary of sorts to hold myself accountable, actually frame those posters that have sat rolled up in a corner for a year and get my finances in order. I also want to document the little realisations I have along the way, like why I was right not to get that Morrissey tattoo when I was 18.

Brb, just filling out my pension forms

As I alluded to at the start, I’ve gone through some pretty big life changes lately. I graduated from university a year ago and started my career as a marketing dude/content writer at a tech company. I also bought a flat with my partner and got engaged. I started a herb garden and opened an ISA. While I feel like a stock photo baby with glasses and suspenders on every time I do one of these ‘adulting’ things, I know they all sound pretty good on paper. I wouldn’t even dream of giving any form of advice to anyone on how to get their shit together, because I think mine is still a bit all over the place. However, I’d like to share on the way to becoming a more competent human being. OK, I’ve taken the first step. This whole blogging thing seems less scary already.



Amelia Elvira Aston
Bad At Adult

Writer of copy and stories, Edinburgh by way of Helsinki.