The Netflix Addiction

Sara Langtry
Bad Habits in Literature and Culture
2 min readApr 20, 2017

Anything can be turned into a potent addiction, even if it starts out as a harmless habit. A perfect example that heavily relates to college students is an addiction to T.V., specifically Netflix.

Often television is used as a simple relaxer, especially during stressful times such as college. It is a nice way to get lost in an alternate reality, being entertained by silly stories of others’ overdramatic lives. However, this simple escape can quickly turn addictive, yet is so underrated that it is often times not even noticed.

It is evident living on a college campus that students do in fact prioritize this television time. However, simple relax nights swiftly turn into binge marathons, which can actually start to take away from sleep habits and school work, thus effecting the student as a whole.

I personally find this sort of addiction very interesting because the action itself is not seen as instantly addictive, as are painkillers, it is often not even noticed when the habit turns into a full fledged addiction, and a harmful one at that. Once in this hole, it is hard to get out because the individual then has to do previous work to catch up, and keep up on current work, all while only desiring to watch more shows, or being too tired to complete the required educational actions because of lost sleep due to various shows.

Though not seen as addiction, especially compared to other more obvious addictions, television addiction is something that definitely affects many overstressed college students, and it is very interesting to see how it simply gets brushed under the rug without a second glance, when in reality it may affect the student’s future just as much as other more obvious addictions.

