I Thought Kindles Were for Old People

But Now I’m Obsessed

Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda


Escape the digital chaos

Confession time: I’m a Millennial, a proud member of the generation that pretty much invented the phrase “can’t live without my phone”. So, when I tell you I recently purchased a Kindle, you’d be forgiven for thinking I had a midlife crisis, or maybe wandered into the wrong section of Best Buy.

Because honestly, Kindles seem… well, kinda old-school, right? It’s a dedicated device, just for reading. Like a clunky, antiquated relic from the time before TikTok. But guess what? This “ancient” technology has completely rocked my world. I’m officially obsessed with my little Kindle, and here’s why you might be too.

I’ve been battling a constant sense of digital overwhelm, and let’s be real: it’s affecting most of us, especially the young, smartphone-addled folk who can’t seem to go five minutes without scrolling through their Instagram feed, watching YouTube, or mindlessly checking emails. We’re living in a constant state of digital chaos, and I was totally drowning.

It wasn’t just the endless stream of distractions, it was how it was affecting my sleep, my concentration, my sanity. Every evening, the blue light from my phone would assault my tired eyes as I attempted to unwind. Then, in the morning, I’d wake up feeling more frazzled than energized. I’d stare at the…



Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, introvert stuff, and micropoems.