Social Media Makes Me Want to Pull My Hair Out

An Introvert’s Guide to Sanity

Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda
4 min readJul 9, 2024



Social Media Makes Me Want to Pull My Hair Out. Help! (An Introvert’s Guide to Sanity)

Remember those early days of social media? Back when it was just MySpace and you could customize your profile with glittery GIFs and autoplay music? Well, buckle up buttercup, because we’ve entered a whole new level of digital hell, and for us introverts, it’s a special kind of torture.

Here’s the deal: You’re bombarded with social media content every single day. Perfectly curated feeds of extroverts living their “best lives” — broadcasting every moment, thought, and bowel movement to the world. And there you are, an introvert, wondering if you’re the only sane person left on this godforsaken internet.

But are these people actually living amazing lives? Or are they just really good at faking it for likes? Honestly, good luck trying to figure that out.

The truth is? Social media has evolved into this grotesque beast that feeds on our attention, our insecurities, and our FOMO. And for introverts? It’s like being stuck at a never-ending party where everyone’s screaming, “LOOK AT ME!” while you’re desperately searching for the exit.

So what’s an introvert to do in this digital hellscape? Give up and become a hermit? (Tempting, I know.) Well, grab your comfort beverage of choice and settle in, because we’re about to navigate this mess together.

1. Harness Your Quiet Power (It’s Your Secret Weapon)

First up: Stop trying to be Gary Vaynerchuk, for crying out loud. The world doesn’t need another loud, obnoxious “influencer”. What it does need is your unique, slightly awkward, overthinking-everything perspective.

As introverts, we’ve got a secret weapon: we actually think before we speak. Novel concept, right? We can observe, reflect, and offer insights that others might miss while they’re busy shouting into the void.

So instead of forcing yourself to livestream your breakfast (please don’t, I might actually die of secondhand embarrassment), focus on what feels natural to you. Maybe it’s writing. Maybe it’s photography. Maybe it’s creating oddly specific Spotify playlists. Whatever it is, do that. Quality over quantity, always.

2. Boundaries Are Your New Best Friend

Here’s a revolutionary idea: You don’t have to be “on” 24/7. I know, mind-blowing stuff. Set up a social media schedule that doesn’t make you want to hurl your phone into the sun. Maybe it’s 30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night. Maybe it’s “Twitter Tuesdays” and “Facebook Fridays”. Whatever works for you, stick to it like it’s the last slice of pizza at 2 AM.

And for the love of all that is holy, turn off those notifications. Nothing kills an introvert’s vibe faster than the constant ding-ding-ding of social media. Your mental health will thank you, and so will your cat who’s tired of seeing you jump every time your phone makes a noise.

3. Find Your People (The Quiet Ones)

Believe it or not, social media isn’t all bad. It’s actually pretty great for finding your tribe — you know, the people who also think small talk is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Look for communities that match your interests. Like obscure Japanese poetry or vintage typewriters or whatever weird stuff you’re into.

These can be awesome places to have real conversations without feeling like you’re shouting into a void. And remember, it’s totally okay to be picky about who you follow. If someone’s posts make you feel like you need a nap, hit that unfollow button. It’s like Marie Kondo-ing your digital life — if it doesn’t spark joy (or at least a mild chuckle), it’s out.

4. Keep It Real (Because Fake BS is Exhausting)

In a world of photoshopped selfies and humble brags, your authentic, awkward, sometimes-mess-of-a-self is like a breath of fresh air in a room full of Axe body spray. Don’t be afraid to show your quirks, share your struggles, or admit when you have no clue what you’re doing. (Pro tip: None of us do. We’re all just winging it.)

People follow real people, not polished brands. Your unique brand of weirdness is what makes you interesting. So embrace it! Share your epic fails along with your wins. Talk about your Netflix binges and your 3 AM existential crises. Trust me, your fellow introverts will be all “same, bro” in the comments.

The Introvert’s Social Media Mantra

Alright, before you go back to the digital wild, repeat after me:

“I’m an introvert and that’s okay. I’ve got cool stuff to say, even if saying it makes me sweat. I’ll do this social media thing my way. My worth isn’t measured in likes or followers. And when all else fails, I can always post cat pictures.”

Now go forth and conquer the social media world — one slightly anxious, overthought, but totally authentic post at a time. And remember, when it all gets too much, it’s perfectly fine to log off and go talk to your cat instead. They’re way better listeners anyway. Plus, they never ask you to like and subscribe.

In this digital age of constant connection, maybe the most rebellious thing an introvert can do is disconnect. Set boundaries. Keep it real. And don’t let social media make you forget who you really are.

If this story helped calm your social media anxiety (or at least made you chuckle), show some introvert love with a clap or follow. Thanks! :)



Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly bedtime stories, short stories, fiction, and micropoems.