Stop Being A Damn Robot 🤖

How To Set Goals That Don’t Make You Miserable

Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda


Unplug From The Achievement Machine

Let’s get real for a second. Are you exhausted? Not physically exhausted — although, hey, that might be part of it too. I’m talking about the kind of soul-deep weariness that comes from the constant pressure to be “achieving,” to have your life meticulously mapped out with goals so ambitious they make you want to simultaneously hurl and crawl back into bed.

Yeah, that feeling. It’s like there’s this inner drill sergeant, constantly screaming at you to “DO MORE, BE MORE, ACHIEVE ALL THE F*CKING THINGS,” as if your worthiness is somehow measured by how many items you can tick off an ever-expanding to-do list.

We live in a world where achievement is worshipped like some kind of secular deity. It’s shoved down our throats with every self-help book, every “success” story, every productivity app designed to squeeze more juice out of our already depleted emotional batteries. It’s seductive, it’s seductive. It’s the siren call of our time: Get it all done. Get it all done. Now.

Except, my friend, there’s one big, glaring problem with this achievement-obsessed narrative.

Now, don’t get me wrong — goals are a crucial part of life. They provide a sense of direction, fuel our ambition, help us create a life filled with purpose and…



Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda
Editor for

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, introvert stuff, and micropoems.