Welcome to the New Feudal Age (and Why It Sucks) 🏰

Jeff Bezos Is My Landlord (and Yours, Too!)

Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda


Reclaim Your Power

Remember those history lessons about feudalism? You know, that system where kings and lords ruled over the land, while serfs toiled endlessly in their fields, paying tribute and hoping not to get pillaged by a passing army? Yeah, fun times, right?

Well, grab your pitchforks, my friend, because history might be repeating itself — just with a 21st-century twist. We might be living in a shiny, digital age, but scratch the surface and you’ll find an economic system that feels eerily similar to those “dark ages.”

It’s called Neo-feudalism, and it’s not nearly as sexy as it sounds.

In the good old days (or at least, that’s how we’re told it was), capitalism promised opportunity, innovation, and the chance to work your way up the economic ladder. Competition was supposed to keep things fair.

But somewhere along the way, something went terribly, horribly wrong. We replaced kings and lords with tech giants, financial institutions, and political dynasties. They’re the new ruling class, hoarding unimaginable wealth and wielding power that rivals the monarchs of old.

Think about it. Jeff Bezos is practically a modern-day king — his Amazonian empire stretches across the…



Gabi Bitter
Bad Panda
Editor for

A 🇭🇺 writing in English. Mostly about culture, short stories, introvert stuff, and micropoems.