I Did Everything Right and My Code Crashed on Me

I will never forgive the CICD globalist complex

Senior Brogrammer
Bad Programmers Anonymous


I write the best code ever. Nobody can write better code than me. I even had Steve Wozniak look over my code, and he said it was the best. I won’t listen to that crappy coder, Gates. He’s a bum with no authority after releasing WindowsMe.

I can’t believe this is happening to me!

Reddit Meme

11,780 Lines of Code

I can’t believe my code crashed. I wrote all the tests. Yes, yes, unit, integration, CICD, performance, A/B. All sorts of testing, I’m the best tester in the world. 100% code coverage with ease handling all edge cases. Name another developer who’s accomplished this in their lifetime.

Unbelievable what they’re doing to me. I write the smallest docker containers with the best automation. And they treat me like this?

My code follows all of the SOLID principles, even the dependency inversion. No other developers match my coding ability, not even ten of them.

Why me? Everyone is envious of my ability. How could my code crash in this way?

It’s the filthy users!


Oh dear, users will do anything to break my code. I can’t ever satisfy them, and they take and take and take and take. Why are they like this?

Look, twenty years ago, I talked about users, not a peep. Today, every developer throws their hands up in the air. It’s pretty sad how bad users have become. They’ve grown worse and worse as the years go on. Maybe they should stop using Java.

You’re welcome for the read.

