The Art of Lighting a Fart

Kids (and adults) do not try this at home — or anywhere

Mike Butler
Published in
5 min readJul 3, 2022


Photo by Marek Szturc of Unsplash

So there we are, Matt Mulaney and I, minding our own business as we toted two twelve-packs of Coors Light back from the local liquor store on a peaceful Friday night in our college dormitory.

We climbed the second flight of stairs opened the hall door and sauntered down the hallway when we heard and smelled unusual noises and odorous smells coming from room 222.

We peak in casually and see Gator (he was from Florida) lying on his back with his ass in the air, sticking a lighter in his crotch by his — thankfully clothed — butthole.

We kept walking. Stopped after two steps, then looked at each other quizzically and said the same exact thing in unison.

“What the fuck?”

Was Gator taking the Doors’ “Light My Fire” literally?

Was that a new age cure for hemmorrhoids?

Was that some new fandangled way to roast marshmallows?

Smoke signals — maybe — to some cute babes one dorm over?

Did we dare go check…



Mike Butler

Top NBA, sports, and music writer. Editor for Beyond the Scoreboard.