Badi is the best school for learning by doing

Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2021


What you are doing at Badi

I’m in charge of creating content for our social media platforms and transforming data into appealing design creatives.

What is it like for you to work at Badi?

Badi for me is a challenge. You really don’t know how your day is going to be until you open your computer. Everyday is different, you never get bored!

Badi has helped me grow personally and professionally during my career. It’s the best school for learning by doing. I’ve done crazy things that I’ve never learned in college!

Something you’re really passionate about?

Healthy lifestyle! I crave for healthy desserts! I can’t imagine my life without a sweet bite after every meal.

A day in your life


  • I like to start my day early (6:30) with a stretching session and a nutritious breakfast.
  • I check my emails and private messages to organize my agenda for the day.
  • I take advantage of the energy I have in the mornings to develop all the graphic design assets we need.


  • We have marketing weekly meetings to organise priorities and do brainstorming sessions to create new ideas.
  • Check our social media channels to bring and suggest improvement.


  • I go to the gym to do an hour session of strength training.
  • My husband and I cook dinner together and watch an episode of a funny TV serie.

Your favourite task

Transforming simple data into graphics that communicate information in a condensed and highly visual way so it’s easier to understand.

How would you describe your team?

A very talented team always eager to find the best solution for any challenge.

Something crazy you did at Badi?

A rebranding to do in only 1 month with the team. It was stressful but an exciting challenge to take on! I’ve been working at Badi for over 5 years now and I know that other challenges are coming ahead :)




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