Chatting With Kathryn — UX/UI Extrodinaire

David Lane
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2022

So far, this year has been filled with so many awesome new opportunities and lots of incredible growth! We’re happy to say that our team has welcomed another new rockstar, UX/UI Designer that we’re so happy to have here with us. Say hello to Kathryn Drury — the newest member of the #BadFam!

If you’re new to BadVR, one of our favorite ways to introduce a new member to the team is with a one-on-one Q&A that lets us get to know everyone a bit better — we’re excited to say, Kathryn’s Q&A does not disappoint!

Before we jump in, make sure to stay connected with all things BadVR and beyond by giving us a follow on all the fun social spots, like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and even YouTube!

Welcome aboard, Kathryn — we’re happy to have you! Without further ado, let’s Q&A!

Say hello to, Kathryn Drury — BadVR’s newest UX/UI Designer and member to our team! ✨

What do you do here at BadVR?

I am an immersive UX/ UI Designer

How did you get started working in tech?

It has been a long winding road to UX by way of years of studying and making new media art using analog and digital means such as synthesizers, microcontrollers, and video. At the same time, I studied and practiced graphic, web, and motion graphic design and UX design. My interest in immersive experiences brought me to Bad VR. My interest in immersive and interactive experiences began with experiencing the Sandin Image Processor, a rare video synthesizer created in the 60s, and the work of Steina and Woody Vasulka, LoVid, Hito Steyerl, Kurt Hentschlager, Pauline Oliveros, and others. The UX framework for VR is just in the early stages of being developed, and I am excited to work on Bad VR’s many interesting projects!

Who is the most influential person in your world?

Personally, my family and friends. Professionally, there are a lot of UX designers and AR/ VR artists, and media theorists I am inspired by. I am also inspired by a lot of architecture, particularly unconventional, DIY, or experimental architecture.

Kathryn pictured here with this creepy-cool, Louise Bourgeois Sculpture! 🕷

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I know how to cast aluminum, bronze, and iron and have participated in several metal pours.

You get to pick one superhero power — what is it and why?

I don’t know if this counts as one, but I would want to travel to any time and place including other dimensions and be able to shapeshift, know the language of, and understand the cultures of any people I meet. I am interested in people and understanding different perspectives and modes of thinking.

Tell us about a major win you’ve had in your career.

Having the opportunity to contribute to the brilliant team and projects of Bad VR!

A candid moment after a nice hike in LA! Side note, we’re all about our hikes in Southern California, if you didn’t know! 🌄

How can you see BadVR making an impact in the world?

Bad VR is addressing a crucial need for people working in many different industries to quickly understand large datasets in a short period to make accurate decisions in less time. Providing that capability is critical in just about every industry and the potential impact is huge whether you are talking about emergency response and saving lives, or if you are talking about saving or making money.

You just won 1 million dollars — how do you spend it?


Go ahead and add wildlife photography to Kathrine’s resume — we’re thinking there might be an eight-legged theme going on here!? 🕸

How would you explain your job to someone who’s not tech-savvy?

I typically ask them to give me an example of a time a website, app, or software was frustrating for them and listen. I ask them about that experience to gather more information, and then tell them how that experience could potentially be improved by UX.

What has been the best part of your career so far?

I love the constant discovery, learning, and creative problem-solving of UX. Practicing it in AR/VR is the best possible extension of this because I can be part of building the UX/ UI framework of these technologies. Having the opportunity to do this at Bad VR is one of the highlights of my UX

We loved getting to know you a bit better, Kathryn! Thanks so much for participating! We’re looking forward to all the great things we’ll accomplish together with you now a part of the team — welcome to BadVR!

Ready For More?

If you’re excited about VR/AR, the future of immersive data and data analytics, or if you want to learn more about BadVR and try our demo, reach out today! We’d love to chat with you!

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The Author

David Lane is a California native, lover of all animals, and car enthusiast. David’s accomplishments resonate with his passion for digital marketing and storytelling.

