Giving Thanks — BadVR’s Year-End Wrap Up, 2022 Edition!

David Lane
Published in
6 min readDec 23, 2022

What an incredible year it’s been! It’s surreal to think that we’re already here, but it’s so amazing to take the time to look back and reflect, give thanks, and get excited for what’s to come!

Our team has really pushed themselves this year, as we do every year, but this year — it felt different, in a good way. 2022 has not been kind to everyone, but to those who continue to push through, celebrating the positive pieces of this puzzle we call life, this next line is for you — keep going, it’s worth it.

We’ve found the secret sauce, to never give up and always stay true to the things that bring you joy. We’re happy to say that together, we’ve accomplished a lot of incredible things this past year. We’ve superseded goals and met milestones as pioneers in our space and as a female-founded business in tech — the best part? We’ve only just begun.

In today’s entry, we’re connecting with some members of our team to hear about what they’re most thankful for, what they’re looking forward to next year, and where they see BadVR going in 2023 and beyond.

We’re so lucky to have an amazing group of talented people on our team, and as we do every year, I got to connect with some of them to hear about what they’re most thankful for and what they’re looking forward to in the new year and beyond!

BadVR Co-Founder and CEO, Suzie Borders, pictured here with just a few of the #badfam! 🚀

We believe that the act of giving thanks is so important, and we are so grateful for each and every person on our team that’s shown us how valuable they are with all of their hard work, trust, loyalty, and friendship. Most importantly, this is made possible by the two who started it all — BadVR, Co-Founder and CEO, Suzanne Borders, and Co-Founder and CTO, Jad Meouchy, whose indescribable commitment to the success of this company has really paid off. We are thankful for you both!

Here’s to an incredible future and many more years of success — now, let’s reflect with the team.

Suzanne Borders, Co-Founder and CEO of BadVR

There are multiple layers of magic happening in this photo! If you know, you know! ✨

What are you most looking forward to next year in 2023?

As always — looking forward to leading my team to victory, in the various ways that word can be understood. Growing together as a team, learning how to operate more efficiently, getting our upcoming products launched successfully, and growing the company revenue and profit margins. All apply! Aiming to achieve all of the above, while having a fun, badass time doing it!

I’m also greatly looking forward to more travel, and more customer deployments! Those are always so much fun! I love seeing the joy and amazement people experience when really implementing our solution into their day-to-day lives.

Jad Meouchy, Co-Founder and CTO of BadVR

BadVR Co-Founder and CTO, Jad Meouchy makes AR look easy! 😎

Where do you see BadVR in 2023?

To be so busy that my phone and email are constantly going off with new opportunities and people reaching out about how excited they are to experience BadVR tech

Stefanie Feldman, Product Manager

Stefanie makes this whole VR thing look effortless, and stylish — as always. 💃🏻

What are you most thankful for in 2022?

First and foremost, my family and friends who have always been by my side, through the good and bad, I am so grateful for you! I’m also thankful for the ability to be a part of a team like BadVR, breaking boundaries and pioneering in the tech space as a female-founded business is truly so fulfilling.

Justin Chow, Technical Product Manager

If you’ve been to one of our shows, you may have seen Justin Chow dishing out demos and big smile at our booth! ✨

What are you most grateful for?

I’m grateful for the ability to push our products to new limits across different industries and applications, and working together to acccomplish our goals has been great.

We second that, Justin! We are only as good as the team we work with — and we certainly have a team that brings talent and motivation every single day!

David Lane, Marketing and Operations

I never know what to caption my own photos with. 😝

What are you most thankful for?

As I always start off by saying — I thank God for my health, happiness, and abundance of wealth. I am so thankful for my dog, Sarah, who is my heart. I am thankful for my family and friends and my amazing life. I am also thankful for Suzie and Jad, my #badfam, and all that we all do to keep our dreams alive and well. Every year here gets better and better, I am so excited for what’s to come!

Aaron Penn, Software Engineer

Candid XR shots are the best, right? 👨‍💻

What was the most exciting part of 2022?

I would have to say that the most exciting part of 2022 would be seeing our product grow immensely, and being able to try it out on the new headsets that came out this year. It’s been an exciting ride and there’s so much greatness to come in 2023 that I look forward to being a part of.

Shaina Lynum, Graphic Designer

What are you most thankful for in 2022?

We just added a new addition to the family, baby Xander, who my family and I are so thankful for. It’s been so amazing getting to see the excitement on my older babies' faces when they got to meet their baby brother for the first time.

Zachary Gaines, Project Manager

Zach showing us what the Meta Quest 2 can do! 😎

What are you most excited to see BadVR do in 2023?

I see BadVR pushing out two stable applications to a wider base of customers that for the first time are being consistently used. I am so excited for what’s to come and see us taking on new industries as well as finding new solutions.

Holly Driscoll, UX/UI Immersive Designer

Holly and her niece, Zelda! ❤️

What are you most thankful for this year?

I am most thankful for my Family and my sense of humor or else life would be a lot less fun. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to join the BadVR team and really look forward to the great success that’s to come!

There we have it, just a few of the many amazing people that make up the BadVR team! We have a lot to be thankful for, that’s for sure!

To each and every person that’s been a part of this journey, trusting our vision, we are so thankful for you. It’s because of your effort and hard work that we’re here, and we are so excited to see all of the great success that’s come in 2023 and beyond!

Happy New Year! 🎉

Ready For More?

If you’re excited about VR/AR, the future of immersive data and data analytics, or if you want to learn more about BadVR and try our demo, reach out today! We’d love to chat with you!

Find us here: Twitter InstagramFacebookLinkedIn

The Author

David Lane is a California native, lover of all animals, and car enthusiast. David’s accomplishments resonate with his passion for digital marketing and storytelling.

