Looking Back in Gratitude — BadVR’s year End Wrap Up, Pt. 2

Published in
7 min readDec 15, 2020

Hello followers and friends! Welcome to Part Two of “Looking Back in Gratitude” — BadVR’s year end wrap up! We’re pleased to share the love, positivity and gratitude from 4 more of our awesome teammates. 🥳

BadVR is proud of our unique and diverse team of creative innovators. Their varied backgrounds and viewpoints are what power the creation of our wholly original and creative solutions; solutions that have made us the world leader in immersive data visualization and analytics! We’re incredibly grateful for our entire team and honored to introduce you to a few more of the awesome individuals that comprise team BadVR.

Alrighty — sit back, relax, and enjoy the read!

Working from home can be a slog for many, but we’re grateful for immersive technology which has allowed us to continue collaborating remotely, despite the numerous challenges of 2020. 👩‍💻😷 (Image Credit: Shutterstock/BadVR)

Stefanie Feldman (Project Manager)

BadVR Project Manager Stefanie Feldman in Temecula, CA, riding her 2020 worries off into the sunset! 🐴🌅 (Image Credit: Stefanie Feldman)

What are you grateful for professionally?

I’m grateful for all of the lessons I have learned during my entire professional journey — from my very first job out of college to this incredible opportunity with BadVR. Had I been told 5 years ago I would be a Product Manager at a virtual reality startup, I would have never believed it! I am forever grateful to BadVR, who opened a door for me at the right moment, when I was looking to pivot my career towards something that would give me room to grow professionally.

What are you grateful for personally?

2020 was a year in which I realized the things for which I am most grateful, more than ever! I’m grateful for the health of my family, friends, and myself during this terrifying pandemic. I’m grateful for all the support offered in a time of so much uncertainty. I’m grateful to have a job, a roof over my head, and to not worry about getting my next meal. I’m grateful for my loving, caring, supportive partner, Jorge, who has helped keep me sane while being quarantined together. I’m also grateful for our adorable dog, Maggie who we rescued this year.

Stefanie with her partner, Jorge, and their adorable dog Maggie. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🐶 #quaranteam! (Image Credit: Stefanie Feldman)

What are your hopes for 2021?

I hope for my family and friends to continue staying safe and healthy. I hope to continue to grow internally and professionally by staying open to new learning opportunities that expand my mind, body, and soul. I hope to soon be able to see and hug my family and friends together and to feel truly safe. I hope that there is a resolution soon to this terrible virus that has ruined so many lives.

What are your goals for BadVR in 2021?

I want to expand my current skill set and to find new tools that allow me to continue to be a valuable part in the growth and success of BadVR. I’d love to produce a more effective QA process and to implement it for current and future projects, helping to keep us focused and on track for success!

What achievement are you most proud of this year?

I’m most proud of helping the team complete the NSF I-Corps program, along with my teammates, Jad Meouchy and Will Semmes. During the program, we conducted over 100 research interviews via Zoom, phone, and in person. Due to the challenge of not being able to attend public events, I had to get creative in connecting with people. It challenged me greatly and allowed me to look objectively at our product and to connect with potential customers from an entirely new perspective. This is a skill set that will be valuable at BadVR and far beyond!

2020 wasn’t all negativity, especially for Dodgers fans. World Series Champs!!! Check out the Feldmans celebrating Los Angeles’s amazing 2020 World Series victory. ⚾️🎉 #1 family, #1 Fans! (Image Credit: Stefanie Feldman)

Brian Wong (Senior Engineer)

Is BadVR Senior Engineer Brian Wong testing our collaborative geospatial visualizations at the Riveter? 🤔 Or giving the finger of shame to a team of insubordinate avatars that dared to question his intellectual superiority? 😳 Guess we’ll never know… (Image Credit: BadVR)

What are you grateful for professionally?

I’m grateful to be working in the VR field and grateful to help create next-gen interfaces and interactions on a daily basis. It’s wonderful to be able to explore the latest technology as a part of my career.

What are you grateful for personally?

I’m grateful to be able to spend time with my parents and I’m grateful that I share similar hobbies with them, such as gardening and woodworking. I find it therapeutic to have non-tech-related hobbies; it’s a good way to gain some balance between work and home life. With hobbies like gardening and woodworking, I still get to pursue my passion of building and growing things — just in a different medium!

Brian Wong demonstrating “See Signal,” our immersive wireless network visualization product. At least that’s what he says…although we’re pretty sure we caught him trying to master the force choke again. 😆👽 (Image Credit: BadVR)

What are your hopes for 2021?

I hope to complete some fun projects around my house, such as finishing my solar shed and garden extension. I’m also hoping to do some traveling and I look forward to reconnecting with the XR community in person!

What are your goals for BadVR in 2021?

I want our team to explore new and unique XR interfaces and interactions, while continuing to scale up our platform.

What achievement are you most proud of this year?

Deploying multiple projects and solving some pretty challenging engineering problems!

Martin Trinidad (Data Analyst)

BadVR Data Analyst Martin Trinidad working hard in his “new personal office space”. 👍 Work from home has been a challenge in 2020, but exciting tech like the Oculus Quest 2 has opened a wold of possibilities. 🤓 (Image Credit: Martin Trinidad)

What are you grateful for professionally?

I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with BadVR, especially as a new graduate. The professional experience as well as the personal connections I’m making here are unmatched!

What are you grateful for personally?

I am grateful for my family, my friends, and my health.

What are your hopes for 2021?

My hope for 2021 is for the world to heal from this current pandemic. Of course, I also wish more success for BadVR in the coming year too.

The best part of working from home for Martin is getting to hang out with his dog, Zula! 🐾🦴 Nothing beats the quarantine blues like a four legged friend. (Image Credit: Martin Trinidad)

What are your goals for BadVR in 2021?

My goals are to work on bringing more to BadVR in terms of both work output, work quality, and presence. I also hope to make more meaningful connections with my teammates.

What achievement are you most proud of this year?

My proudest achievement this year was both finishing my Bachelors Degree from UCI and being able to find work and become self sufficient, directly out of college.

Donald Turner (Unity Developer)

BadVR’s Donald Turner at the Fullerton arboretum. 🌲 “I really enjoy just walking through there to think about different things. I also just like seeing all the green.” 😎 (Image Credit: Donald Turner)

What are you grateful for professionally?

I am grateful for a company that cares about me personally and grateful for the feeling that I am not just another employee.

What are you grateful for personally?

Personally, I am so grateful for my close-knit group of friends who are always there when I need them.

What are your hopes for 2021?

I want to road trip across the country and visit national parks, such as Yellowstone, and other notable places like Washington D.C. I also hope to graduate in December 2021.

Donald Turner learning how to ski while on vacation in Colorado. ⛷🎿 “I’m huge into trying new things out and seeing how I like them. I ended up liking skiing much more than I thought I would!” Rock on Donald! 🎸 (Image Credit: Donald Turner)

What are your goals for BadVR in 2021?

I want to learn about all the different facets in Unity and to learn more the BadVR’s coding standards so I can improve the work I provide. Additionally, I would like to get to know all of my co-workers better.

What achievement are you most proud of this year?

Professionally, I am most proud of sticking it through with school and still giving it my all, despite everything moving online. Personally, I am most proud of all the traveling and exploring I accomplished this year. I was not just sitting at home waiting for life to come to me; instead, I went and found it!

Be sure to check back next week for the final installment of our three-part Gratitude Medium series! We’re stoked to talk to four more BadVR team members about their year, their personal and professional successes, and how 2020 has created unique opportunities for growth within their lives.

If you’re interested in learning more about BadVR, we would love to chat with you! We’re here to democratize insight and make the world’s most important datasets accessible to all! 😎 We’re grateful for you and all of our readers, customers, supporters, and friends! Thank you for a super rad 2020! It only gets better from here!

Reach out for a demo (or just a chat if you’re lonely) today:
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