The Dish With Damian Uglade — BadVR’s Newest Software Engineer

David Lane
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2022

We’re so excited to say hello to another new addition to the BadVR team, and there’s no better way to welcome someone on board than with one of our famous Q&A’s!

Everyone, give a big BadVR welcome to, Damian Uglade — Software Engineer extrodinare! He bring some expertise to the table that we’re so happy to have, but before we jump into getting to know him a bit better, we want to remind you that there’s more great content and important updates found on our Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and even YouTube — so, make sure to give us a follow!

Welcome to the team, Damian! We’re so thrilled to have you join our exciting journey in the world of tech, data, and beyond! From Formula 1 to the Seattle Seahawks, flying planes to Shiba Inu’s — there’s a lot to know about Damian!

Start your engines, it’s Q&A time!

Talk about good seats! Damian is an avid sports fan who routes for the Seattle Seahawks during football season. 🏈

Tell us about what you do here at BadVR.

I’m a software engineer! I work as a Unity programmer for VR. I also work on some backend code and data structures. In other words, I make the computer beep boop.

Who’s your biggest influence and why?

My favorite F1 driver and Mexican compatriot, Sergio “Checo” Perez. I admire his tenacity to succeed. He became the first driver to win a race after being in last place at the end of the first lap. I admire his “never give up” attitude, even when faced with adversity.

What made you excited about pursuing a career in tech?

It’s crazy to think how you can build whatever you imagine using code. Technology that seemed far-fetched a decade ago is a reality now. We don’t know what will be possible in another decade! Working in tech lets me participate in this development.

Ok, this might be the best view out of all of our Q&A’s! Did we mention he can fly a plane? 🛫

You’re stranded on an island with three things — what are they?

I know the whole point is to be “stranded,” but I would like to have a seaplane and unlimited fuel. Even if it’s just to fly around and go sightseeing. Considering that, I would also bring a bunch of Legos to keep me entertained. Finally, I would also bring a lot of sunscreen.

What’s something people are surprised to learn about you?

That I’m Mexican! I don’t look the part, so people are surprised when I tell them. I grew up in Mexico until I was 15, then I moved to Los Angeles before starting high school.

You’re a superhero — what’s your special power?

Flying! I love looking at the sky and seeing all the airplanes and birds that are just floating in the air. Seeing the ground get further away and objects getting smaller and smaller. I’m currently working on getting my pilot’s license! I think this is as close as I will ever get to this superpower.

Let’ go Formula 1! As an avid Formula 1 fan myself (author), I approve this photo! 🏎

Tell us about your biggest career win.

Having the opportunity to work at BadVR! Being in a company where I can learn as much as possible and to meaningfully contribute to our products.

You can only listen to three songs for the rest of forever — what are they?

I love rock music, but especially hair metal. One of my favorite bands is Mötley Crüe and their song Kickstart my Heart. Also, as a Randy Rhoads fan, I must go with Diary of a Madman. Finally, I would choose Countdown by Rush.

The classic headshot provided to you by, Damian! Also, we’re loving those frames! 😎

Tell us about what a perfect day looks like to you.

Being able to go to the Formula 1 Japanese Grand Prix. I love racing and getting to see the race live in Japan is my dream. I had the chance to see the Mexico City Grand Prix and it was an incredible experience. I also love Shiba Inus! So going to Japan and getting to see many Shibas sounds like a great time.

What was the most unique quality you noticed about BadVR?

How committed everyone is to working on great products. People here are passionate about their work. It’s true what they say. If you do something you enjoy you will never have to work a day in your life. Although I don’t think they were talking about programming because you definitely don’t feel happy when your code doesn’t work. But nothing beats the rush of excitement when it finally does!

That was fun, Damian — thanks for participating in our Q&A! We’re thrilled to have you on board and look forward to seeing all the great things you accomplish here with us. Welcome to BadVR!

Ready For More?

If you’re excited about VR/AR, the future of immersive data and data analytics, or if you want to learn more about BadVR and try our demo, reach out today! We’d love to chat with you!

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The Author

David Lane is a California native, lover of all animals, and car enthusiast. David’s accomplishments resonate with his passion for digital marketing and storytelling.

