The Q and A

David Lane
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2022

If you’ve been following our digital journey, you’ve probably noticed the Q&A’s that we do with new team members who recently come on board. For nearly a year now, I’ve enjoyed being the one that gets to bring you these fun one-on-one interviews that introduce the individuals who make up our extraordinary team. In today's post, after accepting a full-time role with BadVR — I get to be the one who answers a round of fun questions for everyone to read — the ‘Q’ and the ‘A’.

First, make sure to give us a follow! This is an exciting time for us and we’re sharing our journey with the world on all your favorite platforms — Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook , and even YouTube!

Since I’m a sucker for nostalgia, I thought it’d be fitting to answer the same questions I gave BadVR Software Engineer, Enoch Bradshaw while writing my very first blog entry here nearly a year ago. Oh, how time flys when you’re having fun. Seriously, I love this place, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the show so far — I sure have.

Ok, can you tell us what you do at BadVR?

I get to work on creating the content you read and engage with through social media, including this very blog you’re reading. I also help with some administrative tasks like scheduling, interviews, and even some sales.

Nice! So, we’ve got to know — What’s an average day like for you?

Well, I definitely start the day out by checking my emails and schedule, then I usually move into working on any marketing projects, copywriting, or content for any upcoming promotions. I'm really lucky because I get to interact with the entire team in different ways. We have a pretty tight group of people, so it's nice to be able to work with everyone, one-on-one, throughout the day.

Time to brag a little! What’s been your biggest win so far working with BadVR?

For me, I would just say that it's been really fulfilling catching my groove, really finding the pace at which I'm able to make our founders happy with the work I’m producing, and also really enjoy what I'm doing.

Let’s get adventurous! Give us your biggest bucket list goal for 2022.

I'm really looking forward to purchasing my first investment property somewhere in the Midwest or in Florida, both of where I spent a lot of time growing up, and still frequent often.

What does the word “immersive” mean to you?

Totally all in, surrounded, and submerged in something.

Ok, get your crystal ball ready — Where do you see VR taking the future?

To your living room, your classrooms, and eventually replacing the common in-person user experience.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about what you do?

Probably that all I do is write social media posts. That's definitely a part of what I bring to the table here, but really, there's so much more that goes into developing a ‘voice’ for a brand and product that’s being introduced with so much interest from everyone.

Ok, you know the industry — So tell us, how does BadVR stand out from the rest?

To start, our founders and the team they’ve built from the ground up. This isn’t a bland, boring, or traditional team — and we’re certainly not trying to fit in to what’s working “now”. We’re only working towards future concepts that are inevitably coming. So, I guess you could say we’re always one step ahead.

Pack your bags! You get to take a one-day vacation — Where do you go?

London, England! I’ve never been and I’ve always felt that my personality was made for it. I have several friends that are from the UK, who all agree, I can do a very convincing British accent.

What’s the most rewarding thing about what you do with BadVR?

This job has actually made me feel better about myself. I’m literally talking to neuro-level geniuses all day. Several, sometimes, all at once on the same call or chat. I’ve learned (and am still learning almost a year into it) a technical skillset that’s on a whole other level of smart. I feel more confident in everything I do because of the people I get to work with and learn from. Knowledge is one of the most rewarding things, you can accomplish a lot with newfound knowledge.

Ready For More?

If you’re excited about VR/AR, the future of immersive data and data analytics, or if you want to learn more about BadVR and try our demo, reach out today! We’d love to chat with you!

Find us here: Twitter InstagramFacebookLinkedIn

The Author

David Lane is California native, lover of all animals, and car enthusiast. David’s accomplishments resonate with his passion for digital marketing and storytelling.

