A journey of a patient in JSS Hospital, Chhattisgarh — India

Gurpreet Luthra
Bahmni Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2016
Doctor at JSS Hospital, working with Bahmni

When Amira Pettus joined the ThoughtWorks Bahmni team, as an Experience Designer, she decided she needed to visit JSS hospital to understand how Bahmni is used at JSS, and what challenges do doctors, care givers, and patients face in such resource constrained environments. It was her belief, that unless she doesn’t experience first hand, she won’t be able to improve the usability and design of Bahmni.

After her visit, she collated her findings and published a photo-filled article in ThoughtWorks Insights, which helps in understanding Bahmni within the context of JSS Hospital. For instance, in Moment 12 of the blog she says:

During their follow-up meeting, Dr. Jyoti searches for Sadia’s lab results in Bahmni. She does this by entering her patient ID and navigating to the results page. This view in the EMR enables Dr. Jyoti to also see trends; so if Sadia ever comes in again with the same symptoms, Dr. Jyoti can track them over time.

Do read the whole article of Amira Pettus on ThoughtWorks Insights here: A Visual Journey of how Bahmni is used

