GCC Secretary-General attends Egyptian President’s inauguration

Embassy Newsletter 4th Edition

Bahrain Embassy
Bahrain Regional News


Cairo, June8(BNA)Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid AL-Zayani today attended the inauguration of Egyptian President-elect Abdel Fatteh el-Sisi at Al-Ittihadiya Presidential Palace.

Dr. Al-Zayani congratulated President el-Sisi on his official inauguration, wishing him success in assuming the heavy responsibility to achieve Egyptian people’s aspirations.

In statement today, he said that the Egyptian people have chosen President el-Sisi in free, democratic and transparent elections as affirmed by the observers who monitored the polls. He paid tribute to strong-willed Egyptian people for their diligence and ability to brave challenges and adversities and overcome hardships to ensure more security, stability and prosperity for their country.

