HRH Premier presents government action plan to parliament

Embassy Newsletter 6 January 2015

Bahrain Embassy
Bahrain Local News
4 min readJan 6, 2015


Manama, Jan. 6. (BNA) — His Royal Highness the Prime Minister on 6 January 2015 presented, in the presence of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier, the government’s action plan (2015–2018) to the Council of Representatives.

Upon arrival, HRH Premier was welcomed by the Representatives Council Speaker, First Deputy Speaker MP, Second Deputy Speaker MP, and the Secretary-General.

HRH Premier said the presentation of the government blueprint to the Parliament is an historic day in the executive-legislature cooperation, which is aimed at serving the nation and the citizens.

In a keynote address to the session, HRH Premier asserted that despite challenges, the government was keen to make its work plan over the next four years a balanced development programme that meets the needs of the citizens regarding services and investment.

It is also designed to benefit all, promote justice and equality, and consolidate security and stability, while addressing the state budget deficit and reducing the public debt gradually, he added.

He said well-examined programmes to achieve sustainable economic development, develop income sources, rationalise spending and redirect subsidies were put forward to implement the blueprint, stressing that those measures are not intended to affect the citizens’ standards of living, which requires a balance between good management of resources in terms of income and spending.

HRH Premier congratulated MPs for the citizens’ trust in them, and the Shura Council members on the precious Royal trust bestowed upon them.

“We are looking forward to a new phase of national work based on solid cooperation between the legislative and executive branches for the aim of achieving more expectations of the Bahraini people, and consolidating the progress and prosperity of our beloved nation,” he said.

He stressed that Bahrain has made significant strides regarding sustainable development, consolidation of democracy and reinforcement of security and stability thanks to the commitment to HM the King’s directives. He noted that the internal and external financial, economic and security challenges require solid cooperation between the two branches in order to face them successfully and ensure the best services are delivered.

HRH the Prime Minister explained that the six core priorities of the government’s work plan were put forward in line with the directives issued by HM the King in his letter designating him to form the new cabinet and keynote address at the opening of the current legislative term, the citizens’ opinions and aspirations expressed through various media, and the discussions of the legislative branch over the previous terms.

He added that the blueprint was based on the kingdom’s economic and social vision to ensure it includes priorities that provide the requirements of decent living for the citizens, and enable them to increase their contributions to the development process. This, he said, will upgrade education, training, health, housing, social care and human development services, create job opportunities and allocate more interest to women and youth affairs, while providing infrastructure that supports comprehensive development.

He stressed that a comprehensive programme to improve government performance, increase productivity, upgrade competence, ensure commitment to accountability and transparency, measure performance and deliver speedy services was put forward to ensure that the above goals are achieved.

He indicated that the government’s action plan included many key projects and programmes, particularly regarding housing, health and education services and infrastructure projects. He added that the private sector’s role in implementing development programmes was also highlighted in the blueprint.

On housing, he pointed out that a string of projects will be implemented across the kingdom to build 20,000 units over the next four years in line with HM King Hamad’s directives to construct 40,000 units. The private sector’s role in providing housing projects was also consolidated, he said.

Regarding education, HRH Premier affirmed that the government will continue building new schools, and upgrading school curricula and output of higher education and scientific research, according to quality requirements and high world standards.

On health, he asserted the government will continue delivering high-quality medical services, and providing new health facilities, specialised hospitals, public health centres across the nation, as well as highly-qualified and specialised medical staff.

Concerning the infrastructure, he affirmed that the government will carry on its roads, sanitation, electricity and water projects, and expand the Bahrain International Airport.

On foreign policy, HRH Premier stressed that the government’s action plan emphasised the Kingdom’s commitments towards the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), especially regarding the transition from the phase of cooperation to the phase of the union. He added that Bahrain’s role in the Arab League, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the United Nations (UN) will be consolidated, and relations with brotherly and friendly countries will be enhanced.

“We are confident that our joint cooperation will be effective in ensuring the implementation of this programme. Together, we will be able to add new milestones to the national forward-looking progress and boost the kingdom’s status, under HM the King’s leadership,” HRH Premier told MPs.

The Speaker expressed sincere thanks to HRH Premier for presenting the government’s action plan to the Council of Representatives.

He pledged that MPs will deal with the blueprint according to constitutional procedures, while adhering to their national responsibilities of achieving the interests of the nation and the citizens, continuing the development and reform process within the state of law and institutions.

He stressed that the Council of Representatives stands witness to the success of the kingdom’s democratic approach and the continuity of the reform process under the support of HM King Hamad.

