Welcoming Ellen and Simone

Ellen joined us late 2017 and Simone will move down from Oslo in February: we’re hitting double digits in Amsterdam!

Bakken & Bæck
Bakken & Bæck
2 min readJan 26, 2018


Ellen and Simone 🙏(photo: Lila Luganskaia)

Ellen Shapiro

In November of 2017 Ellen joined our team in Amsterdam. She’s an experienced software developer from Washington, DC, and can handle both iOS and Android development. Ellen is dedicated to making our lives easier by creating better mobile apps. Having traveled the world to speak at conferences, she has already taught us a thing or two about public speaking. In fact, she represented Bakken & Bæck at Swift Alps in her first week of work! When she’s not coding apps you’re likely to find her cuddling her cats, Chaplin and George Michael, or traveling and seeing sights. She’s a busy bee: keep an eye out for the book she’s writing for Ray Wenderlich!

Simone Robert

After studying in Weimar (Germany), Simone (Canada) headed to Norway to intern at our Oslo office where she proved to be an exceptional designer. We managed to hang on to her but had to allow her to move to Amsterdam — which, according to our team there, is super legit. Simone has an eye for detail and is known for writing the most elaborate descriptions on Wake. We’re pretty sure she single-handedly upped our company knowledge on pop music by a 100 percent and the amount of Pokémon face masks she brought home from our trip to Japan is astonishing!

We’re psyched that both Ellen and Simone wanted to join our team in Amsterdam and look forward to continue making great work together!



Bakken & Bæck
Bakken & Bæck

We’re Bakken & Bæck, a digital studio based in Oslo, Bonn, Amsterdam and London. We define, design and develop all things digital.