The Impact of Positive Affirmations

Keriki, MBA, MSW
Balance and Beyond
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024
Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

In the pursuit of success, the power of what my mindset is cannot be overstated. What goes on in my mind serves as a compass that influences my decision-making process, my reactions, and my outcomes in several different situations. One tool that I find helpful when shaping a winning mindset is the practice of positive affirmations. Today, I dive into the impact that positive affirmations have had on transforming my mindset and propelling me toward success.

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What are positive affirmations?

They are another type of mindfulness exercise. They are phrases you say to yourself or out loud to promote positive thinking, self-empowerment, and a constructive mindset. Your mindset and how you frame your thoughts are essential to achieving access. If your ideas are positive, you may have a more positive outlook. If your thoughts lean more toward negativity, you probably have a gloomier outlook on life. Successful people believe they can succeed no matter the circumstance or what they may have previously experienced. They want to be successful, and they frame their thoughts so that they are not distracted by negativity, which may block their ability to achieve their goals.

Recently, I experienced some negative thoughts about my body popping into my mind. I’m aging, and my body does not move, nor does it look exactly as it did ten years ago. I was sad about this and thought about all the hard work I put into taking care of my body just coming to a halt because of changes that we experience with age. However, my therapist has always encouraged me to practice gratitude when negative thoughts come into my mind. One thing that I am grateful for is my life accountability partner. We met on social media in 2020 through a Bible study group and have been friends ever since. I reached out to her immediately about the thoughts I was having and the feelings I was experiencing. It’s important to note that before therapy, I never shared my inner thoughts with anyone. However, my accountability partner is a trusted agent. She encouraged me to write positive affirmations in my daily gratitude journal.

Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

Some examples of positive affirmations that I wrote were:

  • I am beautiful.
  • I embody the definition of beauty.
  • My standard of beauty is me.
  • My body is a sacred temple.
  • My body is perfect for me.
  • I love and appreciate my body.
  • My body knows what is best.
  • I respect my body.
  • I am confident.
  • My body is a gift from God.

Reciting these positive affirmations and writing them in my gratitude journal helped change my thoughts surrounding what I thought my body needed to look like and instead informed me that my body is fine, it’s beautiful, and it’s strong. Instead of sulking and remaining sad, which may have led to me giving up on some of my physical goals, I was able to reframe my thoughts and get back to basics. I wrote out a new plan for myself and got to work.

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

How can you incorporate affirmations into your daily routine?

I incorporate affirmations into my daily routine by setting aside a few minutes each morning to write and sometimes repeat positive statements to myself. I customize my affirmations to focus on goals, self-worth, or areas of my life that I want to improve. I try to do this daily because it consistently contributes to my success.

The mind is so powerful, and it shapes our reality. By reciting positive affirmations, we unlock the ability to have a mindset that points us toward success. My journey serves as a testament to how transformative affirmations can be. As you practice reciting your affirmations, remember that success is not just about the destination but the journey and how you react to situations while on the trip. Embrace positivity, stay consistent, and watch how your mindset transforms, leading you to success.



Keriki, MBA, MSW
Balance and Beyond

Published author. "Exploring personal growth, faith, mental wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and minimalism. 🌿 #WellnessJourney"