The Power of First Impressions

Keriki Suber, MBA, MSW
Balance and Beyond
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

First impressions are so important. I know this is something that we have all heard before, but some of us have genuinely practiced more than others. How you show up, authentic or not, the first time you meet someone or a group of people is unforgettable. You may be forgettable to someone, but your first impression is usually lasting.

The other day, I met someone for the first time. I heard about this person from others, and they were not painted in the most favorable light. However, I try to formulate my opinions about people without influence from others. Upon meeting this person, I thought, “Oh, they seem nice.” However, as time progressed, my feelings and thoughts changed drastically.

This person spoke about themselves a lot. Every time they asked me a question about me or my accomplishments, I may have gotten five words out before they cut me off and started to speak about themselves. They also name-dropped a lot. If you are a critical person in your line of work, please take inventory of who you are friends with. Be aware of who is in the room when you are invited to events, and stop giving everyone access to your private life. A little bit of mystery goes a long way.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

After a while, I resorted to smiling and nodding. I legitimately had nothing else to say. In one hour, I decided that this person came to showcase themselves. In the next hour, I decided this person could not be trusted to hold water. I was overtalked, one-upped, and ignored. I probably won’t ever willingly be in an intimate setting with this person ever again in my life.

This was one meeting, one instance, and my first time meeting this person. My first impression of them was negative. If I were younger, I’d most likely give this person another chance, but I’m wise enough and have enough discernment to know that there is no way that this person will change their ways. This is who they are, and they are okay with that.

Isn’t it wild that after meeting someone once, you can decide if this person is the right fit for your life? We rely on first impressions daily. We rely on them when hiring for new positions when we are going on a first date, when we try out a new church, or when we eat at a new restaurant. How we choose to show up to places and in front of people who are new to us can change the trajectory of our lives in some instances. Think of someone who made a lasting first impression on you. What are some attributes they had that were enticing to you? Were there parts of their character that drew you in? Take inventory of the things that make you authentically you and decide if you, as you are right now, can leave a lasting positive impression on others.



Keriki Suber, MBA, MSW
Balance and Beyond

Published author. "Exploring personal growth, faith, mental wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and minimalism. 🌿 #WellnessJourney"