Workout With Me Volume 16: Weighted Vest Edition

Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash

Warm up x 3 rounds

10 Kettlebell Sumo Squat to High Pull

20 Plank Jacks

30 Sit-ups

Stretch x 5 minutes

Work out: 3 sets each round

Optional: Weighted Vest

(Round 1)

10 Dumbbell Upright Row

10 Push-ups

10 Plank to Forearm Plank

(Round 2)

10 Strict Press

10 Tricep Kickbacks R

10 Tricep Kickbacks L

10 V-ups

(Round 3)

10 Skull-crushers

10 Dumbbell Rows

20 Abdominal Twists

Stretch x 5 minutes



Keriki Suber, MBA, MSW
Balance and Beyond

Published author. "Exploring personal growth, faith, mental wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and minimalism. 🌿 #WellnessJourney"