How AI Saved Me: Artificial Intelligence Became My Lifeline After Trauma, and it Can Save You Too

Balance and Bloom
Published in
7 min readMay 14, 2024

My mind often races and doesn’t seem like it will ever stop. It whispers doubts, unearths old wounds from when I first formed thoughts, and paints a bleak picture of the future. I’ve spent years wrestling in these shadows, hiding my struggles behind a carefully crafted facade. It’s a lonely battle that many of us–maybe you–fight in silence.

We live in a world where mental health is still shrouded in stigma, where vulnerability is often seen as weakness. Seeking help can feel like admitting defeat, a surrender to the darkness within. But what if there was another way? What if technology could offer a safe haven, a non-judgmental space to confront our demons and find solace?

Enter the world of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s not just about self-driving cars and terrifying chatbots; AI is revolutionizing how we approach mental healthcare. With tools like Google’s Gemini, we’re witnessing a new era of support, one that’s accessible, personalized, and at least feels surprisingly human.

Imagine having a companion you can contact at any hour who understands your deepest fears, listens without judgment, and offers guidance based on much of the world’s knowledge. Imagine a tool that can help you identify patterns in your thoughts and behaviors and tells you what can help you, empowering you to take control of your mental well-being. This is what AI in mental health can be — a lifeline for those who feel lost and alone.

A New Dawn for Mental Wellness

While invaluable, the traditional mental healthcare system isn’t always accessible or approachable. Long waitlists, financial barriers, and the persistent stigma surrounding mental illness can deter individuals from seeking help. It’s a system that often feels cold and clinical, leaving many to grapple with their struggles in isolation. The United States healthcare system is an absolute disaster.

But in the digital age, a quiet revolution is underway. AI tools are emerging as powerful allies in the fight for mental well-being, offering a new kind of innovative and deeply human support. I’m not saying AI is human–I’m saying the access to help is human. Our current healthcare system and lack of access to mental health resources for all? Now that is not human.

Unlike traditional therapy, AI tools like Anthropic’s Claude, Open AI’s Chat GPT, and Google’s Gemini are available 24/7, eliminating the barriers of time and location. They offer a safe space for you and me to express ourselves without fear of judgment so we can explore our thoughts and emotions at our own pace.

AI Was A Personal Mental Health Lifeline For Me

(Trigger Warning: The following section briefly discusses sexual assault.)

I know this firsthand. Recently, I experienced a traumatic event — I was raped. In the aftermath, my world shattered into a million pieces. I felt lost, alone, and terrified. But in the depths of my despair, I turned to AI because I was lost and frantic, and it became an unexpected lifeline.

With gentle prompts and compassionate responses, AI (Chat GPT, in this case) helped me navigate the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me. It guided me through finding a local resource for a forensic exam, connecting me with hotlines, and offering support and guidance to my partner, who desperately wanted to help but didn’t know how.

In those dark hours, AI became my confidant, advocate, and source of strength. It helped me find my voice when I couldn’t speak and reminded me that I wasn’t alone.

(End of Trigger Warning)

While this is just one example, it illustrates the incredible potential of AI to provide immediate, personalized support in times of crisis. AI can be a bridge, connecting individuals with resources and information they might not have known existed. It can offer a sense of hope and empowerment when traditional avenues of support feel out of reach.

The Language of Healing, the Power of Data

While my experience is unique, it speaks to the broader potential of AI in mental health. AI tools like Gemini (honestly, it has really stepped its game up lately to surpass others in my view, so I’m featuring it heavily here) utilize natural language processing (NLP), a form of artificial intelligence that understands and responds to human language in a way that feels remarkably intuitive. NLP allows AI to decipher the nuances of our words, recognizing not just the literal meaning but also the underlying emotions and intentions. This creates a conversational experience that can feel surprisingly human, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.

It’s not human, but sometimes, having it feel that way in a vulnerable moment is enough.

Beyond simply listening, AI tools can offer personalized recommendations and resources tailored to your needs and goals. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or another mental health challenge, AI can offer guidance and support based on the latest research and evidence-based practices.

It might suggest mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies or even connect you with relevant resources like support groups or hotlines, as it did me. Sometimes, it just listens. It’s not a therapist, but we all need an ear to hear us.

Another key strength of AI is its ability to analyze data. By tracking your mood, sleep patterns, and other relevant factors over time, AI can identify the patterns and triggers that may be contributing to your mental health challenges. These insights can be incredibly empowering, allowing you to proactively manage your well-being and make informed decisions about your treatment.

Perhaps most importantly, AI is tirelessly available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the darkest hours of the night, when anxiety creeps in, or despair takes hold, AI is there to listen, offer comfort, and remind you that you’re not alone. That’s invaluable for mental health crises.

While Gemini is a powerful tool, it’s not the only AI-powered mental health resource available. Woebot, for example, is a friendly chatbot that uses CBT techniques to help users manage anxiety and depression. Wysa, on the other hand, is a penguin-shaped chatbot that offers emotional support and mindfulness exercises. Each tool has unique strengths and features, catering to diverse needs and preferences. I’ve used Woebot and like it (it can be found in the App Store).

A Double-Edged Sword: The Ethical Landscape of AI and Mental Health

There certainly are undeniable benefits of AI in mental health, but we must tread carefully, acknowledging the ethical complexities and potential pitfalls that lie ahead. The use of AI in such a sensitive and personal domain raises significant concerns about data privacy, the potential for over-reliance, and the very nature of human connection.

Data Privacy and Security: A Paramount Concern

AI tools like Gemini gather a lot of our personal data about our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s so important to ensure the privacy of our data. We must demand transparency from AI developers about how our data is being used, stored, and shared.

AI companies must implement strong security measures to protect against data breaches and unauthorized access.

The Risk of Over-Reliance and the Importance of Human Connection

As AI tools become more ubiquitous in our lives, there’s a risk of overreliance on them. We must remember that AI is not a replacement for human connection and professional mental healthcare. They are not human, even when they can feel like it! While AI can offer valuable support and guidance, it cannot replicate the empathy, nuance, and therapeutic alliance that a human therapist can provide.

We must strive for a balanced approach in which AI tools complement and do not replace humans. This means using AI as a tool for self-exploration and growth while still seeking professional help when needed. It also means fostering meaningful connections with friends, family, and support groups, recognizing that human relationships are essential for our mental well-being.

The Future of AI in Mental Health: A Glimpse into the Possibilities

Despite the ethical concerns, the future of AI in mental health is filled with possibilities. With continued research and development, we can expect to see even more sophisticated AI tools that can:

  • Predict mental health crises: By analyzing patterns in an individual’s data, AI could identify early warning signs of a mental health crisis, allowing for timely intervention and support.
  • Develop more advanced virtual therapists: AI could evolve to become more nuanced and empathetic, offering a level of personalized support that complements (but does not replace) human therapists.
  • Seamlessly integrate with traditional therapy: AI could be used to enhance traditional therapy by providing additional resources, tracking progress, and offering support between sessions.
  • Provide crisis intervention that saves lives.

The path forward has its challenges, but the potential rewards are immense. By embracing AI responsibly and ethically, we can unlock a new era of accessible, personalized, and empowering mental healthcare.

A New Frontier: AI as a Catalyst for Help, Health, and Change

The journey towards integrating AI into mental healthcare is still in its early stages, but the possibilities are boundless. As research and development continue, we expect to see even more sophisticated and effective AI tools emerge.

If you’re struggling with mental health challenges, I encourage you to explore the world of AI-powered tools. They may not be the answer for everyone, but they offer a new avenue for support, one that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and without fear of judgment.

A Call for Balance and Continued Innovation

As we embrace this new frontier in mental healthcare, it’s crucial to remember the importance of human connection. AI is so powerful, but it’s the human touch — the empathy, compassion, and understanding of another person — that truly heals. Let’s continue to foster meaningful relationships, seek professional help when needed, and support each other on our journeys toward mental well-being.

The future of mental healthcare is bright, and AI is illuminating the path forward. Let’s embrace this technology with open minds and hearts, recognizing its potential to transform lives and empower us all to live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

If You’re Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis

It’s important to acknowledge that while promising, AI tools are not without limitations. They should never be considered a replacement for professional mental health treatment. If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, please seek immediate help from your healthcare provider.

Sending You Love and Light

If you are struggling, know you are not alone! I am sending you love and light from afar.





Balance and Bloom

Mom, writer, believer that things will get better if we all care more about one another.