The Power of the Gray Rock: Ariana Madix and My Vanderpump Rules-Inspired Tactic Against Narcissistic Abuse

Balance and Bloom
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024

“Gray rocking and going no contact is literally the only way to avoid the sh-t, the manipulation all of it,” declared Ariana Madix, star of Bravo’s Vanderpump Rules, as she navigated the aftermath of a very public betrayal by her long-term partner, Tom Scandoval (sorry, I mean Sandoval).

For Madix (now host of Love Island and second-run smash hit as Chicago’s Roxie Hart), who has chosen not to watch the show’s current season due to Sandoval’s presence, gray rocking has become a lifeline.

I’d never heard of the term “gray rocking” before, but this intriguing psychological tactic isn’t new; it’s just recently gained more widespread recognition.

What is Gray Rocking?

The term “gray rock” refers to a method of interacting with manipulative or abusive individuals where you essentially become emotionally non-reactive and boring. By minimizing your emotional responses and keeping your interactions brief and factual, you deprive the other person of the reaction they crave. As Ariana put it, the objective is to make them lose interest in you. It involves becoming as unresponsive and uninteresting as a gray rock to someone trying to provoke a reaction.

While I thought I was tuning my own life drama out to mindlessly watch other people’s on reality television without learning a thing, it turns out I was being introduced to a powerful tool for emotional resilience. You really do learn something new every day–at least when one emotionally mature person somehow makes it onto a reality show.

I realized I’d already been using Ariana’s technique without realizing it, but I’d done so inconsistently. When another person would come at me trying to trigger a response, I’d instinctively shut down, offering minimal engagement. This realization filled me with a sense of empowerment, armed with a name for this tactic and seeing it play out so effectively on screen by a queen.

Ariana’s Gray Rock Masterclass

Watching Ariana employ the gray rock method with Tom was like witnessing a masterclass in emotional self-preservation. In the face of his attempts to provoke, manipulate, and elicit a reaction, she remained calm, composed, and utterly disinterested. It was a powerful demonstration of how to maintain one’s dignity and protect oneself from further harm.

The Power of Naming and Normalizing

There’s something incredibly powerful about giving a name to a previously undefined experience. Suddenly, it becomes real, validated, and something you can consciously utilize. For me, the term “gray rock” has transformed a vague intuition into a concrete tool I can actively use to protect my emotional well-being. This newfound understanding brought a sense of relief and validation, knowing that I’m not alone in this struggle.

Equally important is the normalization of such strategies. Seeing someone like Ariana openly discuss and utilize gray rocking on a public platform demystifies mental health tools and makes them more accessible to everyone.

Resources for Learning More About Gray Rocking

While gray rocking has gained popularity recently, it has been discussed in various psychology resources for some time:

How to Incorporate Gray Rocking into Your Life

Gray rocking can be a game-changer if you’re dealing with a difficult person who thrives on drama and emotional reactions. To use it effectively:

  1. Limit Engagement: Keep your interactions brief and to the point. Avoid getting drawn into lengthy discussions or arguments.
  2. Show Minimal Emotion: Respond with short, factual answers. Avoid expressing your feelings or opinions.
  3. Stick to the Facts: Don’t offer personal information or engage in gossip. Keep the conversation strictly surface-level.
  4. Don’t Take the Bait: If they try to provoke you, don’t rise to the occasion. Remain calm and indifferent.
  5. Set Boundaries: Clearly spell out what your boundaries are. If they continue to push your buttons, disengage or end the interaction altogether.

Taking Control with the Gray Rock

Inspired by Ariana and my own experiences, I’m committed to consciously incorporating the gray rock method into my interactions moving forward. I believe it will give me greater control over my emotions and reactions, allowing me to navigate challenging relationships with more grace and resilience.

This unexpected lesson from reality TV has taught me the importance of staying informed, even from unconventional sources. It also highlights the power of shared experiences and how we can all learn and grow from each other, even through the lens of a television show.

So, thank you, Ariana Madix, for bringing this valuable tool to my attention. I’m excited to embrace the power of the gray rock and continue my journey toward greater emotional well-being. And I hope you, dear reader, will do the same. However, it’s important to remember that gray rocking is not a substitute for professional help. If you’re dealing with a manipulative or abusive individual, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance to ensure your safety and well-being. Sending you love and support from afar!



Balance and Bloom

Mom, writer, believer that things will get better if we all care more about one another.