Cat Yak Ain’t Normal

Balanced Blends
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020

So lemme tell ya somethin’. I don’t like barfin’. And I know you don’t like cleanin’ up when I barf. But I don’t do it on a reg’lar basis, see? ‘Cuz cat yak ain’t normal.

Moxie, tellin’ it like it is — photo by Christina Delzenero

But lotsa cats barf, ya might think. And I’m gonna tell ya again, it ain’t normal.

If yer cat’s yakkin’ more than once a month, you gotta problem, and you gotta deal with it.

Yer cat may be eatin’ somethin’ that ain’t good for it, or it might have an infection, or it might have something that stopped up its junk! Yer cat could even have cancer!

So how do ya decide if ya gotta do somethin’ about yer cat yak?

Well, if yer cat’s losin’ weight, barfin’ a lot, havin’ issues with the bathroom, and is actin’ kinda funny, you gotta call yer vet.

One o’ the cats that lives here has issues with barfin’. Well, HAD issues with barfin’.

Photo of Goldie, epic barfer — by Christina Delzenero

She used ta barf once a day, at least. Sometimes it was the “hunger pukes” — like she was so danged hungry she’d barf up bile! And sometimes it was a hair ball. And sometimes she’d eat so fast she’d yak it all up — but that ain’t barf, that’s regurgitation, and that’s a different thing.

So the people, they took her to the vet. And the vet had ta test her, and did a “metabolic panel”, and you know what? They found that dang cat didn’t have any Vitamin B in her! I dunno what Vitamin B is, but I do know it’s bad if you don’t have any. Turns out that cat has somethin’ called IBD which ain’t so great, or even lymphoma, which is even less great. Guess it’s hard to tell tha difference in cats.

Vitamin B and syringe — by Christina Delzenero

Now she’s gotta get a shot every week, and boy howdy, she don’t like it. But she ain’t yakkin’ no more, and that’s good, cuz like I told ya, cat yak ain’t normal.

Goldie, unamused by photos — by Christina Delzenero

