It’s Snickers Time!

Coco von Fluffytocks
Balanced Blends
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2020
Snickers by Kate Romero

Hey, all ya species appropriate feedas! Snickers here! I know that this can generally be a place fa cat lovahs, and I don’t understand you people, becawse dogs RULE! I’m gonna be an occasional guest writer for Balanced Blends to give you ma opinion on species appropriate feeding for dogs. Keep reading ta learn more about me.

I’m from the great state of New York and have lived my whole life on Lawn Guyland. They say I’m called a Bichon Frise, but I’m not French or girly, I’m 100% American dude! I spent ma days lounging around the beach with ma mutha, who is a little older, just like me! In human years, I think she adds up to be around 91 years old! I won’t lie about ma age, but I won’t give ya an exact numba. Let’s say I’m somewhere between 12 and 14 years old, give or take.

Patiently waiting — by Kate Romero

It ain’t gonna surprise ya when I tell ya that both my mutha and I have similar energy levels and we do everythin’ togetha. So we weren’t doin’ too much walkin’ or movin’ other than to and from ma food bowl! She spoilt me with treats from tha table ma whole life and I would show off ma only trick in ma book: standing on ma back legs. Once a day we would walk fa 30 minutes and make it only halfway up tha block. Day aftah day, I started ta notice that I was a lot bigger and slower than ma other doggie friends. I know I’m not the most athletic, but I still want ta play! And ma belly made that a lot harder.

Snickers and some mountains — by Kate Romero

About a year ago we moved allllll the way to Colorawdo. I swapped tha flat beaches fa tall mountains and I was thinkin’ fuhgeddaboudit.

Friends — by Kate Romero

I also gotta new roommate that I wasn’t so keen on — she had very long legs, and her tail was always whippin’ me in tha face! But walkin’ with her forced me to keep up, and now I can walk much furtha than before! This was just the staht of my new lifestyle, can’t wait to tell ya about how much I’ve changed since. Stay tuned!

