Snickers Loses His Teeth

Coco von Fluffytocks
Balanced Blends
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2020

When people met me fa tha first time, I use ta hear “he’s so cute!” or “what an adorable pup!” I would get scratches unda ma chin and pets on ma head and it was pretty great! But in the last few yeahs, I noticed things began ta change. People would still call me cute, but they wouldn’t give me the pets I wanted! Now when they meet me, they say things like “oof! What a smell!” or “time to go to the dentist.” I didn’t know what a dentist was, but it didn’t sound like a trip to the treat store.

Snickers — by Kate Romero

And then the day came. My mutha put me in tha car — which is nevah a good sign — and I was off ta ma least favorite place…the vet. I remembah the doc pokin’ around ma mouth a lot, and boy did it HURT! Next thing I know, I’m wakin’ up in the car headed home again, feelin’ fine, but something was missing….

Snickers — by Kate Romero

Ma teeth! Where did they go?! I was dizzy and confused, but as always, I was hungry. At home, ma mutha put down my bowl with ma favorite meats, and I dug in, fagettin’ that I was missing ma chompers. But it made no difference. I had no problem getting’ the whole bowl down in record time!

I can’t say fa sure, but I think they took about 14 teeth out of ma tiny little mouth. I didn’t even know I had that many! I knew that I was hurtin’ a bit in the mouth area before they took ’em, I just assumed it was normal and never made a peep about ’em. But now that they’re gone, I feel like a new dog! I think ma mutha was afraid of takin’ me to tha doc for such a big change (and cuz older dogs like me don’t always do so good when they hafta take a nap ta get teeth pulled), but in tha end, I was fine.

Snickers — by Kate Romero

I’m still getting’ used ta ma new smile, but I didn’t have to give up ma favorite food! I can chomp down on ma meats with no pain. I’ve noticed that now people will give me ma chin scratches again and even a kiss every now and then! I still don’t know what a dentist is, but I know I never want to go back!

